Galloping Inflation

Here is a list of subtopics on galloping InflationInflation: Causes of galloping inflation Effects of galloping inflation Control of galloping inflation Examples of galloping inflation History of galloping inflation Prevention of galloping inflation Remedies for galloping inflation Theories of galloping inflation Treatment of galloping inflation I hope this helps! Let me know if you have … Read more

Market Price

The following are subtopics of market price: Market price is the price at which a good or service is bought and sold in a competitive market. Market price is determined by the interaction of supply and demand. Supply is the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at … Read more

Law of Demand and Supply

Law of demand Law of supply Demand curve Supply curve Equilibrium price Equilibrium quantity Market equilibrium Market disequilibrium Shifts in demand Shifts in supply Elasticity of demand Elasticity of supply Consumer surplus Producer surplus Total surplus Welfare economics The law of demand states that, all other things being equal, the quantity demanded of a good … Read more

Aggregate Supply

The following are subtopics of aggregate supply: Aggregate supply curve Short-run aggregate supply curve Long-run aggregate supply curve Aggregate demand and aggregate supply model Aggregate supply shocks Monetary policy and aggregate supply Fiscal policy and aggregate supply Supply-side economics Aggregate supply is the total amount of goods and services that all producers in an economy … Read more

Operation Greens: Stabilizing Prices for Farmers and Consumers

Operation Greens is a central government scheme aimed at addressing price fluctuations and ensuring the stable supply of TOP vegetables – Tomato, Onion, and Potato. It recognizes the vulnerability of these essential commodities to volatile market forces and seeks to benefit both farmers and consumers. Objectives of Operation Greens Price Stabilization: Prevent sharp price fluctuations for … Read more

Operation Greens: Stabilizing Prices, Boosting Farmer Incomes

Operation Greens, launched in 2018 under the Union budget, is a revolutionary scheme designed to address the volatility in the prices of perishable commodities like Tomatoes, Onions, and Potatoes (TOP). The scheme aims to protect both farmers from price fluctuations and consumers from sudden price spikes. Key Objectives of Operation Greens Price Stabilization: Ensure price stability … Read more