Weather forecast

Weather forecast There are two ways for weather forcasting: Short-range forecasting Meteorologists can make somewhat longer-term forecasts (those for 6, 12, 24, or even 48 hours) with considerable skill because they are able to measure and predict atmospheric conditions for large areas by computer. Using models that apply their accumulated expert knowledge quickly, accurately, and … Read more

Tax Expenditure

Tax Expenditures: Hidden Subsidies in Plain Sight Tax expenditures, often referred to as “tax breaks” or “tax loopholes,” are provisions in the tax code that reduce tax liability for specific individuals, businesses, or industries. They deviate from the standard tax system by offering preferential treatment, effectively providing a subsidy through the tax system. While seemingly … Read more

Sunset Clause in India

The Sunset Clause: A Tool for Temporal Legislation in India The concept of a sunset clause, also known as a “termination clause” or “expiry provision,” has gained increasing prominence in the Indian legal landscape. This provision, typically embedded within legislation, sets a specific date or event after which the law automatically ceases to be in … Read more