Polity of Jharkhand

Awards of Jharkhand INFRASTRUCTURE-and-educational-policy-of-jharkhand/”>Education, Educational Infrastructure and Educational Policy of Jharkhand Sports personalities and Infrastructure of Jharkhand State Executive : Powers And Functions Of Governor, Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers State Legislature : Organization, Powers and functions, with special reference to Jharkhand State Judiciary; High Court: Organization, Powers and functions; Subordinate Judiciary. and … Read more

Changing Status Of Women And Social Movements

 Changing status of Women and social movements The status of women has been the central concern of many reform move­ments before and after independence. Leaders of the Brahmo Samaj and the Arya Samaj were concerned with issues like sati, remarriage, divorce, female Education, purdah system, polygamy, and dowry. women’s participation in movements has … Read more


 CHAPTER 3 – Women IN INDIAN NATIONAL MOVEMENT   ROLE OF WOMEN IN INDIAN NATINAL MOVEMENT The participation of women in National Movement legitimised the Indian National Congress. The British understood that the method of Satyagraha had a special appeal for women. The participation of women in the freedom movement also influenced the … Read more

Election Petition

Election Petition An election petition is a legal action that is filed in court to challenge the results of an election. The purpose of an election petition is to determine whether the election was conducted fairly and whether the results are accurate. Election petitions are typically filed by candidates who lost an election. However, they … Read more

Universal Adult Franchise

Universal Adult Franchise Introduction Universal adult franchise, also known as universal suffrage, is the right of all adult citizens to vote regardless of race, gender, social class, or income. It is a fundamental principle of democracy, and it is essential for ensuring that all citizens have a voice in government. History of Universal Adult Franchise … Read more