Public Distribution System

Public Distribution System Ration Cards Fair Price Shops (FPS) Commodities Distributed Targeting and Eligibility Criteria Procurement and Supply Chain Reforms and Challenges Leakages and Diversion Technology-based Solutions Direct Benefit Transfers (DBT) Key Elements of the PDS Ration Cards: Households are issued ration cards, categorizing them based on economic status. These cards determine their eligibility for subsidized … Read more

Amber Box Subsidy

Amber Box Subsidy An Amber Box subsidy is a type of agricultural subsidy that is subject to limits under the Agreement on Agriculture of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Amber Box subsidies are those that are not decoupled from production and that have the potential to distort trade. Amber Box subsidies are named after the … Read more

Blue Box Subsidy

Blue Box Subsidy The Blue Box subsidy is a type of agricultural subsidy that is used to support domestic production of certain commodities. The subsidy is paid to farmers who agree to limit their production of these commodities, in order to reduce the surpluses that often occur when there is too much supply. Direct payments … Read more

Agricultural Equipment subsidy

Agricultural Equipment Subsidy Agricultural equipment subsidies are a type of government assistance that is designed to help farmers purchase new or used agricultural equipment. These subsidies can be provided in a variety of ways, including direct payments, tax breaks, and loan guarantees. The goal of agricultural equipment subsidies is to help farmers stay competitive and … Read more

Export Subsidy

What is an Export Subsidy? An export subsidy is a government policy that provides financial assistance to domestic firms that export their goods and services. This assistance can take many forms, such as direct payments, tax breaks, or government-provided insurance. The goal of export subsidies is to make it more profitable for domestic firms to … Read more

Fertilizer Subsidy

Fertilizer Subsidy Fertilizer subsidy is a government program that provides financial assistance to farmers to help them purchase fertilizer. The goal of fertilizer subsidy is to increase agricultural production and reduce the cost of food. Fertilizer subsidy is a common practice in many countries around the world. In the United States, the federal government provides … Read more

Minimum Support Price (MSP)

What is Minimum Support Price (MSP)? The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a price set by the government of India to protect farmers from distress sales. It is a floor price below which farmers cannot sell their produce. The MSP is announced for 23 crops, including rice, wheat, pulses, and oilseeds. Crops Covered Announcement and … Read more

Doha Development Agenda

The Doha Development Agenda (DDA) is a set of negotiations within the World Trade Organization (WTO) that began in November 2001. The DDA aims to improve the trading system for developing countries, and to address issues such as agricultural subsidies, market access, and Intellectual Property Rights. The DDA is divided into 21 areas of negotiation, … Read more

Agreement on Agriculture (AoA)

The Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) is a multilateral agreement signed in 1994 as part of the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The AoA aims to reduce agricultural subsidies and trade barriers, and to promote agricultural trade LiberalizationLiberalization. The AoA covers a wide range of topics, including: Market access: The … Read more