Free Trade Agreement

Here is a list of subtopics related to Free Trade Agreements: Free trade agreement Preferential trade agreement Regional Trade Agreement Customs Union Common Market Economic Union Single market Free-trade area Common external tariff Rules of origin Tariffs Quotas Non-tariff barriers Technical barriers to trade Sanitary and phytosanitary measures InvestmentInvestment measures Intellectual Property Rights Government procurement … Read more

Securities and Exchange Board of India

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulator of the Indian securities market. It was established in 1992 by the Government of India to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and regulate, the securities market in India. SEBI’s sub topics include: Company Law Depositories DerivativesDerivatives … Read more

Model Code of Conduct

Model Code of Conduct A model code of conduct is a set of rules that govern the behavior of individuals or organizations in a particular field or industry. It is designed to promote ethical behavior and protect the public interest. The model code of conduct for the tech industry was developed by the National Association … Read more

Press Council Of India (PCI)

The Press Council of India (PCI) is an autonomous statutory body established by the Parliament of India on 4 July 1966 under the Press Council Act, 1965. The PCI is a quasi-judicial body that is responsible for maintaining high standards of journalistic ethics and for protecting the freedom of the press in India. The PCI … Read more

Rules Committee

The Rules Committee is a group of seven members who are responsible for making and enforcing the rules of the House of Representatives. The committee is made up of four Democrats and three Republicans, and it is chaired by the Speaker of the House. The Rules Committee meets weekly to consider legislation that is being … Read more

Citizen’s charter

Citizen’s Charter A citizen’s charter is a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the services that they can expect from the government. It is a way of ensuring that the government is accountable to its citizens and that services are delivered in a fair and efficient way. The first citizen’s … Read more