Bio diversity and conservation

Biodiversity and conservation Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is the variety of all life forms.Sum total of all the variety of living organisms on earth constitute biodiversity. There are three Levels of Biodiversity:  Genetic diversity—the variety of genetic information contained in individual Plants, animals and micro-organisms  Species diversity—the variety of species  ecosystem diversity—the … Read more

Biodiversity Hot Spots

Here is a list of subtopics about biodiversity hotspots: Definition List of biodiversity hotspots Causes of biodiversity loss in hotspots Conservation efforts Threats to biodiversity hotspots Future of biodiversity hotspots Definition A biodiversity hotspot is a region that contains a high concentration of plant and animal species that are found nowhere else on Earth. Hotspots … Read more

In-situ conservation

Here is a list of subtopics on in-situ conservation: Biological corridors Community-based conservation Conservation breeding Ex situ conservation Genetic management Habitat restoration Protected areas Species reintroduction Translocation In-situ conservation is the protection of an endangered species or ecosystem in its natural habitat. It is the most effective way to conserve biodiversity, as it protects the … Read more

Biodiversity conservation

Here is a list of subtopics on biodiversity conservation: Biodiversity Biodiversity hotspots Biodiversity loss Biodiversity offsetting Biological diversity convention Conservation biology Ecosystem services Endangered species Genetic diversity Habitat loss Invasive species IUCN Red List Marine biodiversity National biodiversity strategy and action plan Overexploitation Population viability analysis Protected areas Sustainable development Sustainable use Transboundary conservation Tropical … Read more

Species evenness

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Species evenness: Species richness Species diversity Simpson’s index of diversity Shannon’s diversity index Pielou’s evenness index Equitability Dominance Species abundance distribution Species-area curve Island biogeography Metapopulation Community assembly Community ecology Conservation biology Biodiversity Species evenness is a measure of how evenly the individuals of different … Read more

Gamma diversity

Gamma diversity is the diversity of species within a community. It is a measure of the number of species in a community and the relative abundance of each species. Gamma diversity can be calculated using a variety of methods, including the Shannon diversity index, the Simpson diversity index, and the Pielou evenness index. Gamma diversity … Read more

Alpha diversity

Species richness Shannon diversity index Simpson diversity index Pielou evenness index Margalef richness index Menhinick diversity index Brillouin diversity index Hill numbers Whittaker’s alpha diversity Renyi diversity Chao1 diversity ACE diversity Chao2 diversity Jackknife diversity EstimateS diversity EstimateS rarefaction curves EstimateS extrapolation curves EstimateS diversity partitioning EstimateS beta diversity EstimateS gamma diversity Species richness is … Read more

Measurement of Biodiversity

Here is a list of subtopics on measurement of biodiversity: Species richness Species evenness Species diversity Phylogenetic diversity Genetic diversity Ecosystem diversity Landscape diversity Functional diversity Biotic integrity Bioindicators Biodiversity indices Biodiversity monitoring Biodiversity conservation Biodiversity valuation Biodiversity policy Biodiversity ethics I hope this is helpful! Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It … Read more