Other Contemporary States

              Bihar   After Saadat Khan, *Safdarjung* became the king  who was an impartial ruler &         carried out many reforms & was made the wazir of Mughal Empire. Shuja-ud-Daula         succeded him to throne. He was also made the wazir of mughal … Read more

International Monetary System

International Monetary System Here is a list of subtopics on the International Monetary System: Bretton Woods System Gold standard Special drawing rights International Monetary Fund World Bank Foreign exchange market Exchange rate regime Currency peg Managed float Free float Currency crisis Sovereign Debt Crisis Balance of payments International trade InvestmentInvestmentGlobalization International economics The international monetary … Read more

Infrastructure Financing

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for InfrastructureInfrastructure Financing: Public-private partnerships (PPPs) EquityEquityPrivate Equity (PE) Debt financing Equity financing Infrastructure BondsBonds Infrastructure funds Infrastructure banks Infrastructure development finance institutions (DFIs) Infrastructure project finance Infrastructure asset management Infrastructure regulation Infrastructure sustainability Infrastructure resilience Infrastructure transparency Infrastructure governance Infrastructure InvestmentInvestment Infrastructure planning Infrastructure delivery … Read more

Foreign Investment Models

Foreign InvestmentInvestment-modelsInvestment Models are a way to analyze the potential benefits and risks of investing in a foreign country. There are many different models, but they all share some common elements. One important element is the country risk assessment. This involves looking at the political, economic, and social stability of the country, as well as … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics on disinvestment: Disinvestment: The process of selling government-owned assets to private investors. PrivatizationPrivatization: The process of transferring ownership of a government-owned enterprise to private investors. Divestment: The process of selling off a portion of a government-owned enterprise to private investors. EquityEquity disinvestment: The sale of government-owned SharesShares in a … Read more

Capital Account Convertibility

Capital Account convertibility is the ability of individuals and businesses to freely convert domestic currency into foreign currency and vice versa. It is a key component of financial GlobalizationGlobalization-2GlobalizationGlobalization, and it allows countries to participate more fully in the global economy. There are three main types of capital account convertibility: Current Account convertibility: This allows … Read more

Private Equity

Here is a list of subtopics related to private EquityEquity: Private equity firms are companies that raise MoneyMoney from investors to invest in private companies. Private equity funds are the InvestmentInvestment vehicles used by private equity firms to raise money from investors. Private equity investments are the companies that private equity firms invest in. Private … Read more