Socialism -Its forms and effect on society.

Socialism is an economic system where the ways of making Money (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by a Society as a whole, meaning the value made belongs to everyone in that society, instead of a group of private owners. People who agree with this type of system are called socialists.  There are two ways socialists think that society … Read more

Emotional intelligence and their utilities and application in administration and governance

Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EI) is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one’s goal(s).  Although the term first appeared in a … Read more

Parliament and State legislatures- structure,functioning,conduct of business, powers and privileges and concerned issues.

Parliament is the central institution through which the will of the people is expressed, laws are passed and government is held to account. It plays a vital role in a Democracy, and endeavours to be truly representative, transparent, accessible, accountable and effective in its many functions. The Parliament has two Houses–Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. … Read more

Handicrafts and Household (Cottage) Industries and their problems

Cottage Industry is a form of small scale industry where the productivity of the good£ takes place in the houses of the workers, and the workforce include the members of the family. The equipment’s used to generate products are not the hi-tech ones but generally those which are used at homes. Cottage industry is generally … Read more

Sufism in Karnataka

Sufism in Karnataka Sufism is nothing other than Islamic mysticism. The saints who preached the principles of Sufism are called Sufi saints. Karnataka is one of the most important southern states of India. At present in Karnataka there are thirty districts and in these districts, four hundred and twenty five references to Sufi saints’ darghas … Read more

Basics of cyber security

Cyber security is a process, technique or procedure to ensure information security goals. Aim of Information Security is to provide CIA i.e. Confidentiality of information Integrity of information Availability of information   These 3 parameters (CIA) are called security goals/security Services. The other security objectives also include such other parameters as authenticity, authorisation, accounting and … Read more

Contempt of Court

Contempt of Court is the the offence of being disobedient to or disrespectful of a court of law and its officers.Contempt is an act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations, or decorum of a public authority, such as a court or legislative body. It refers to any willful disobedience to, or disregard … Read more

Discuss the challenges of Indian Agriculture and present an outlook

Indian economy still is agro based economy and INFRASTRUCTURE: The government needs to improve rural infrastructure, such as roads, electricity, and telecommunications. This will help to improve the lives of farmers and reduce their dependence on agriculture. Provide support to farmers: The government needs to provide support to farmers, such as subsidies, loans, and insurance. … Read more

Miscellaneous Facts About Rajasthan

Manrega Pays st ÿ From 1 april 2016 the MANREGA Pays will be 181 Rs from 173 Rs earlier   Jaipur Hand   ÿ Selected in the list of Best Inovation ÿ To be developed like Jaipur foot   1491 KM   ÿ Distance covered by Bharatmala Project in the state   War Museum   … Read more