Soils of Mizoram for Mizoram PSC

Soils of Mizoram Mizoram is a mountainous region which became the 23rd State of the Indian Union in February, 1987. It was one of the districts of Assam till 1973 when it became a Union Territory. Sandwiched between Myanmar in the east and south and Bangladesh in the west, Mizoram occupies an area of great … Read more

Agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir

agriculture of Jammu and Kashmir Livelihood of the majority of the Population of the Jammu & Kashmir State revolves around the agriculture and allied sectors. These sectors constitute the mainstay of the State’s economy and contribute nearly 50 per cent to GSDP. Over 70 per cent of the population, of more than 1.25 crores depends, … Read more

Horticulture of Kerala

Horticulture of Kerala Introduction: The  horticulture  sector  encompasses  a  wide  range  of  crops  namely  fruit  crops, vegetables crops, potato and tuber crops, ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic  crops,  spices  and  plantation  crops.  New  introductions  like  mushroom,  bamboo  and bee  keeping  (for  improving  the  crop  productivity)  further  expanded  the  scope  of  horticulture.  While  the  first  few  … Read more

Soils of Sikkim for Sikkim PSC

Soils of Sikkim Sikkim is a small, extremely mountainous state in the Indian Himalayas with sharply defined and extremely steep watersheds. Although, Sikkim is only about forty miles in width and seventy miles in length, its altitude escalates rapidly from about 300 m above mean sea level in the South to about 8583 m along … Read more

Soils in West Bengal

Soils in West Bengal The soils of Bengal have been studied widely by different scholars. The studies carried out so far lead to the convenient grouping of soils as (i) Laterites, (ii) Red Earths, (iii) Tarai soils, (iv) Alluvial soils and (v) The Coastal soils   To attain scientific management of regional Resources and sustainable … Read more

Agriculture in Meghalaya

agriculture in Meghalaya Meghalaya is basically an agricultural state with about 80% of its Population depending entirely on agriculture for their livelihood. Nearly 10% of the geographical area of Meghalaya is under cultivation. Agriculture in the state is characterised by limited use of modern techniques, low yields and low productivity. As a result, despite the … Read more

Natural hazards and related issues of Meghalaya

Natural hazards and related issues of Meghalaya As the State lies in the seismically active zone, special emphasis should be given to reduce the impacts of earthquake. Moreover, it is also affected by hazards such as floods, flash floods, epidemics, fire, hailstorm, lightening, road accidents, etc. Earthquake The State of Meghalaya has witnessed seismic events … Read more

Soils of Meghalaya

Soils of Meghalaya The soils of the hills are derived from gneissic complex parent materials; they are dark brown to dark reddish-brown in colour, varying in depth from 50-200 cm. The texture of soils varies from loamy to fine loamy. The soils of the alluvial plains adjacent to the northwest and southern plateau are very … Read more

Soils of Nagaland for Nagaland PSC

Soils of Nagaland Nagaland consists of a narrow strip of hilly country running North-east to South-west and facing the Assam plains to its North and North-west. The Barail range enters the state at the South- west corner and runs in a North-easterly direction almost up to Kohima. Near Kohima the Barail range merges with the … Read more

Agriculture in Odisha

agriculture in Odisha According to the 2011 Census Of India, 61.8% of the Odisha’s working Population are engaged in agricultural activities. However, the agricultural’s contribution to the GSDP was 16.3% in the fiscal year 2013-14 and it was estimated to be 15.4% in 2014-15. The area under cultivation was 5,691 hectares in 2005-06 and it … Read more