Chhattisgarh: Demographic features and social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities. Literacy and occupation structure

Chhattisgarh: Demographic features and social backwardness of the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward classes and Minorities. Literacy and occupation structure   Demographic features of chhatishgarh As per details from Census 2011, Chhattisgarh has Population of 2.56 Crores, an increase from figure of 2.08 Crore in 2001 census. Total population of Chhattisgarh as per 2011 census … Read more

Democracy: Direct and Indirect

Democracy: Direct and Indirect Democracy in modern usage, is a System of Government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. Democracy is sometimes referred to as “rule of the majority”. Democracy is a system of processing conflicts in which outcomes … Read more

Unity and universality of religions

Diversity in religious practice is evident in the global community. Various sects, schools, denominations, and factions of religions can be found throughout the world, and being in close proximity to one another necessitates some form of dialogue between separate traditions. Expressions of religious feelings in practical life are not the monolithic. In our daily life … Read more

Tribal Development : History, Programmes and Policies

Tribal Welfare Administration, Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Chhattisgarh The tribal areas of Chhattisgarh though sparsely populated continue to receive special attention of the State Government primarily on account of their strategic location and comparative backwardness. The Tribal Sub Plan was started in 1974-75 in the State and entire tribal Population was … Read more

Bharat Nirman Yojna, MNREGA

Bharat Nirman is a time-bound business plan for action in rural infrastructureThe basic geographical structure of Population distribution will change once India shifts from being agriculture based country to Industry based nation. The Government has launched “Bharat Nirman” for the development of rural

Sociology- Meaning, Scope and nature, Importance of its study. Relation with other Social Sciences

Sociology– Meaning, Scope and nature, Importance of its study. Relation with other Social Sciences Sociology is a discipline in social sciences concerned with the human Society and human social activities. It is one of the youngest social sciences. Auguste Comte, a French social thinker, is traditionally known as the ‘Father of Sociology’ as he coined … Read more

Society, Community, Association, Institution, Social group, Folkways and Mores

Society, Community, Association, Institution, Social group, Folkways and Mores Society society is an organization of people whose associations are with one another. MacIver describes society as a web of relationships. There are a number of definitions of society. Most of them point to the following characteristics of society. The first condition for calling a set … Read more

Social Processes – Social Interaction, Co-operation, Struggle, Competition

Social Processes – Social Interaction, Co-operation, Struggle, Competition Social processes are the ways in which individuals and groups interact, adjust and readjust and establish relationships and pattern of behaviour which are again modified through social interactions. The concept of social process refers to some of the general and recurrent forms that social interaction may take. … Read more

Social disorganization-Anomie and Alienation

Social Disorganization-Anomie and Alienation The social disorganization theory is one of the most important theories developed by the Chicago School, related to ecological theories. The theory directly links crime rates to neighborhood ecological characteristics; a core principle of social disorganization theory is that place matters. In other words, a person’s residential location is a substantial … Read more

Individual and Society – Social interactions, Status and role, Culture and Personality, Socialization

Individual and Society – Social interactions, Status and role, Culture and Personality, Socialization Man is a social animal. He lives in social groups in communities and in society. Human life and society almost go together. Man cannot live without society. Man is biologically and psychologically equipped to live in groups, in society. Society has become … Read more