Digital Divide & Its Prevention (1)

 Digital divide & its prevention Digital technologies have spread rapidly in much of the world. Digital dividends—the broader development benefits from using these technologies have lagged behind. In many instances digital technologies have boosted Growth, expanded opportunities, and improved service delivery. Yet their aggregate impact has fallen short and is unevenly distributed. For … Read more

Agro Food Processing Forming Village Clusters And Establishing Food Storage (2)

 Agro Food Processing: Forming village clusters and establishing Food Storage, Food Processing Industry is of enormous significance for India’s development because of the vital linkages and synergies that it promotes between the two pillars of the economy, namely Industry and agriculture. India is world’s second largest producer of food and has the potential … Read more

Vocational And Technical Education In India

 vocational and technical Education in india Technical and Vocational Education plays a vital role in Human resource development of the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and improving the Quality Of Life. The term Technical Education and Vocational Training are sometimes used synonymously. However, as per present practice, the term TE … Read more

Mains Booster-Manufacturing policy of India

Manufacturing policy of India The Government of India has announced a National Manufacturing Policy with the objective of enhancing the share of manufacturing in GDP to 25% within a decade and creating 100 million jobs. The INFRASTRUCTURE; land use on the basis of zoning; clean and energy efficient technology; necessary social infrastructure; Skill development facilities … Read more

Manufacturing policy of India

Manufacturing policy of India The Government of India has announced a National Manufacturing Policy with the objective of enhancing the share of manufacturing in GDP to 25% within a decade and creating 100 million jobs. The INFRASTRUCTURE; land use on the basis of zoning; clean and energy efficient technology; necessary social infrastructure; Skill development facilities … Read more

Problems of core industries

The Eight Core industries comprise 40.27 per cent of the weight of items included in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) and are as follows:- Coal Crude Oil Natural Gas Refinery Products Fertilizers Steel Cement Electricity Coal The reality of India’s Energy sector is that around three-quarters of our power comes from coal powered Plants … Read more


Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization, and teachers and educational institutions as socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument of Social Change, three things are important: the agents of change, the content of change, and the social background of those who are sought to be changed, i.e. students. Educational institutions … Read more

Availability of Skilled Human Resources in India

Availability of Skilled Human Resources in India Skilling the youth is the new buzzword in the government, and all the experts agree that it clearly needs a more skilled approach to implement what has been drawn up in a policy paper. It was roughly a year ago the government rejigged the UPA’s Skill India policy … Read more

Employment status of India

EMPLOYMENT As per Employment-Unemployment Survey (by NSSO) of 2011-12 (latest available), total workforce employed stands at 47.36 crore; with 23.16 crore in agriculture and 24.2 crore in Industry and Services According to the fifth Annual Employment-Unemployment Survey (EUS) conducted between April and December 2015, 83% of the workers in India were self-employed, casual or contract … Read more