Languages and Literature of Gujrat

Languages and Literature of Gujrat Gujarat is inhabited by people belonging to varied castes, religions and communities. Due to this reason, a number of varied languages are spoken in the state. The Official Language of the state is Gujarati. It is an Indo Aryan language derived from Sanskrit and was invented by Anand Kukadia. He … Read more

Folksongs of Madhya Pradesh

Folksongs of Madhya Pradesh The history of a country is told in its popular songs. Madhya Pradesh offers a real feast to the aficionados of traditional music. Folk songs narrate stories of sacrifice, duty, love and chivalry using characteristic style of singing. The folklore of DholaMaru, originally from Rajasthan, is popular in Malwa, Nimar and … Read more

Rajasthan : Language and Dialect for RAS(RTS) Prelims

Rajasthani Languages Evolution of rajasthani languages from Shaurseni Prakrit Saureni Prakrit is then developed into:- Gurjar in western region Shaurseni in eastern region (Apram bhasha)   Gurjar- Maru Gurjar or old Rajasthani its common language of Rajasthan and Gujrat 1st work was Bhrateshwar Bahubali Ghor by Vajrasensuri in 1168 ad In 15th century it evolved … Read more

Classical languages in India

Classical languages in India Introduction India is a country with a rich and diverse history, and its languages reflect that. There are over 120 languages spoken in India, and many of them are considered to be classical languages. Classical languages are those that have a long history and a significant body of literature. They are … Read more

Indian Geography

Here is a list of subtopics on Indian Geography: Physical Geography Climate Vegetation Soils Water Resources Minerals Natural Hazards Population Settlements Agriculture IndustryIndustry Transport Tourism EnvironmentEnvironment Development India is a vast and diverse country with a rich history and culture. It is the second most populous country in the world, with over 1.3 billion people. … Read more

Official Languages of India

Official Languages of India India is a multilingual country with over 120 languages spoken. Hindi and English are the two official languages of India, while 22 other languages are recognized as scheduled languages. History of Official Languages in India The history of official languages in India can be traced back to the British Raj. During … Read more

Languages of India

Languages of India India is a country with a rich and diverse history and culture. This diversity is reflected in the country’s many languages. There are over 120 languages spoken in India, each with its own unique history and culture. The official language of India is Hindi, but English is also widely spoken. Hindi is … Read more