Mazor Mineral Resources

Mineral Resources : Iron-Ore: India possesses high quality iron-ore in abundance. The total reserves of iron-ore in the country are about 14.630 million tonnes of haematite and 10,619 million tonnes of magnetite. Haematite iron is mainly found in Chbattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Goa and Karnataka. The major deposit of magnetite iron is available at western coast … Read more

Bihar Minerals

Bihar Minerals Introduction The mineral base of this state is very rich. Particularly the Chotanagpur plateau is very mineral rich field. It has an extensive and high quality coal deposits. Iron Ore and copper ore are also produced in Bihar. Bauxite, ore for aluminiumis also found here. This state has a reserve of pyrites and … Read more

Acids, Bases and Salts.

Acid An acid is a substance which forms H+ ions as the only positive ion in aqueous solution. Examples:- Hydrochloric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and Cl– ions HCl —> H+ + Cl–   Sulphuric acid dissolved in water forms H+ and SO42- ions H2SO4 —>2H+ + SO42-   Nitric acid forms H+ and NO3– ions when dissolved in water HNO3 —> H+ + NO3–   … Read more

Minerals of Madhya Pradesh

 Minerals of Madhya Pradesh:- Minerals in Madhya Pradesh occur in abundance in its several districts. In terms of the mineral production the state ranks third next only to Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh. The state of Madhya is said to have a favourable geotectonic setting that accommodates every episode of mineralisation the earth has experienced. It includes … Read more

Minerals in Chattisgarh

                                   Minerals in Chattisgarh–Chhattisgarh is rich in minerals. It produces 20% of the country’s total cement produce. It has the highest output of coal in the country with second highest reserves. Chattisgarh is third in iron Ore production and … Read more

Chhattisgarh: Natural Resources

  Natural Resources are the product or material that occurs in nature and which are very useful from the perspective of human use. Examples of Natural Resources: Water Minerals Forests Now, we will discuss the natural resources of Chhattisgarh one by one.   Water 80% of Chhattisgarh Population relies on agriculture for subsistence, water is … Read more


 NATURAL Resources OF INDIA What are Natural Resources ? Natural resources are useful raw materials that we get from the Earth. They occur naturally, which means that humans cannot make natural resources. Instead, we use and modify natural resources in ways that are beneficial to us. The materials used in human-made objects are natural … Read more

Distribution Of Major Natural Resources Of World

 Distribution of major natural Resources of World-Water, Soils,  Forests in reference to South and South-East Asia     Distribution of key Natural Resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian subcontinent) Natural resources are highly valued because human beings are dependent on them to fulfil their fundamental needs that changes with … Read more

Minerals Based Industries

   Iron and Steel Industry:   Pig Iron Pig iron is the intermediate product of smelting of iron Ore with a high-carbon fuel such as coke and charcoal and is the basic raw material in Foundry and Casting Industry for the manufacture of various types of castings required for … Read more

Mineral Resources of India

    50. Iron Ore Chhattisgarh 24 % Dalli, Rajhra (Durg), Bailadila, Raoghat, Aridongri 51.   Goa (21%) Sanquelim, Sanguem, Quepem, Satari, Ponda, Bicholim 52.   Karnataka (20%) Bellary, Hospet, Sandur 53.   Jharkhand (17 %) Noamund, Gua 54.   Orissa (15 %) Gurumahisani, Sulaipat, Badampahar (Mayurbhanj),       Kiriburu, Meghahataburu, Bonai (Sundargarh). 55. … Read more