Dairy and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan.

Dairy and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan What is Animal Husbandry Animal Husbandry is a branch of agriculture, which comprises of controlled cultivation, management, up keeping and production of domestic animals (like cattles, horses, sheeps etc.) which includes improvement in the qualities considered desirable by humans by means of breeding, genetics, behavior and … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Rajasthan

Animal Husbandry of Rajasthan     In Rajasthan, animal husbandry is not merely a subsidiary to agriculture but it is a major economic activity, especially in arid and semi-arid areas, thus providing the much needed insurance against frequently occurring scarcity conditions. Parallel to crop production, animal husbandry is the most important activity in Rajasthan. Livestock … Read more

Vegetation of Rajasthan

  Rajasthan : Vegetation VEGETATION (TRESS AND SHRUBS) The state of Rajasthan is endowed with a wealth of a wide range of vegetaion. They can be discussed in two broad categories i.e. into two distinct groups – one comprising the arid vegetaion, falling into western part of the state while the other belonging to semi-arid … Read more


  Since time immemorial Human Prosperity is linked with the Livestock wealth.  It has been rightly said by late U.N.Dhebar that “To think of Rural Development without Livestock Improvement is to think of Modern Industrialization without Power Stations”. Andhra Pradesh has some of the richest livestock Resources in the Country and is one of the … Read more


                  Animal Husbandry AND Dairy ü  Sustained efforts – Stabilized Primary Sector ü   Technology in agriculture – bringing together global leaders in cutting edge technologies to aid small and marginal farmers ü   Drought – a thing of the past – Sustained Growth in Agriculture and Allied sectors – Growth despite deficit rainfall ü   Soil Health Cards to farmers – distribution … Read more

Livestocks of Rajasthan and Their Conservation- for RAS RTS Mains and Ras Rts Prelims exam

In the arid and semi-arid zone of Rajasthan animal rearing is the primary occupation and source of livelihood. Census of live stock states them to be 5.77 crore in number which accounts for 11.8% of Indian Animal Population. Rajasthan has largest number of goats, sheeps, camels and drought animals. Density and Distribution of Livestock in … Read more


What is Livestock? Livestock are animals that are raised for food, fiber, labor, or other products. The most common types of livestock are cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, and ducks. Livestock are an important part of the agricultural IndustryIndustry, and they provide a significant source of food for humans. Types of Livestock There are many … Read more

Classification of Organic Manures

Classification of Organic Manures Organic manures are a type of fertilizer that is made from animal or plant waste. They are a sustainable and environmentally friendly way to improve SoilSoil health and crop production. Origin Plant-based Animal-based Nutrient Content Concentrated Organic Manures Bulky organic manures State of Decomposition Fresh Manures Well-Rotted Manures Compost CC:N Ratio … Read more

Sheep and Goat Droppings

Sheep and Goat Droppings Sheep and goat droppings are a common sight in many parts of the world. These animals are raised for their meat, milk, and wool, and their droppings are often used as fertilizer or fuel. However, sheep and goat droppings can also be a source of disease, so it is important to … Read more