Christian doctrine and theology

Christian doctrine and theology Christian doctrine There are many important differences of interpretation and opinion of the Bible and sacred tradition on which Christianity is based. Because of these irreconcilable differences in theology and a lack of consensus on the core tenets of Christianity, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox often deny that members of certain other branches … Read more

Famous Inscriptions

  Inscription King Aspect Junagarh Rock Rudradaman (Saka) Sanskrit. Says that a dam on the sudarshana lake was constructed by Pushyagupta a governor of Chandragupta Maurya Allahabad Pillar Samudragupta Sanskrit. Composed by Harisena Aihole Inscription Pulakeshin II Mentions Harsha defeat by Pulakeshin II. Composed by Ravikriti Vishnuvardan son of King. Gwalior Inscription Bhoja Most famous … Read more

Mimamsa School

The Mimamsa School is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. It is a school of thought that focuses on the study of the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. The Mimamsa School believes that the Vedas are the ultimate authority on all matters of religion and philosophy. The Mimamsa School was founded by … Read more