Data Programmes

A computer program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer. A computer requires programs to function and typically executes the program’s instructions in a central processing unit.A computer program is usually written by a computer programmer in a programming language. Computer language or programming language is a … Read more

JPSC Prelims notes for Science and Technology

Science & TechnologyFor Notes Click on the topics [su_posts template=”templates/list-loop.php” posts_per_page=”100″ tax_term=”1321″ tax_operator=”0″ order=”desc”] Physical Science (I)System of Units: MKS, CGS and SI (II)Definition of speed,velocity, gravity, mass, weight, force, impact, work,power and energy. (III)Solar System, relative position of Earth with respect to Sun and other planets, movement of earth and moon in solar system, lunar and … Read more

Science & Technology developments in India

Science & Technology developments in India Science and Technology hold the key to the progress and development of any nation. Technology plays a Fundamental role in wealth creation, improvement of the Quality Of Life and real economic Growth and transformation in any Society. The role of Science and Technology in our daily life is altering … Read more

Issues related to Unemployment

Nature, types and Problems of Unemployment in India:-Unemployment may be defined as “a situation in which the person is capable of working both physically and mentally at the existing wage rate, but does not get a job to work”. India is one of those ill-fated underdeveloped countries which is suffering from a huge unemployment problem. … Read more

Science and Technology-developments and applications in everyday life and in National Security

  Professor Freeman J. Dyson, of Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, in his book “Infinite in all Directions,” had this to say about Technology: “Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of Life, it is perhaps the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilization, of Arts and of Sciences. Technology … Read more

Technology missions – ICT

Government provides IT Resources to its employees to enhance their efficiency and productivity. These resources are meant as tools to access and process information related to their areas of work. These resources help Government officials to remain well informed and carry out their functions in an efficient and effective manner. This policy governs the usage … Read more

Computer Database

Computer Database Computer Database management systems, Data processing, business data processing, data storage  `and file management system     Computer Database management System and Data, Data Processing   Computer Database processing and data management are critical components of business organizations. DATA PROCESSING Data processing refers to the process of performing specific operations on a set of data or a database. … Read more