THE RENAISSANCE Greater travel, rising wealth and greater knowledge of outer world led to a new philosophy of life called renaissance. With rising material consumption, this worldly pleasures took place of Church advocated other worldly pleasure and hence human and not god became center of activities. Thus, humanism was a key feature of renaissance. Individualism … Read more

Golden Revolution

Golden Revolution The Golden Revolution is a term used to describe the potential for genetic engineering to improve the nutritional value of crops. The goal of the Golden Revolution is to develop crops that are more nutritious and can help to reduce malnutrition around the world. One of the most promising areas of research in … Read more

The English(1599-1947)

The English (1599-1947) The Elizabethan era The Jacobean era The Caroline era The Restoration era The Georgian era The Regency era The Victorian era The Edwardian era The First World War The interwar period The Second World War The post-war period The English people have a long and rich history, dating back to the 5th … Read more

Vasco Da Gama

Vasco da Gama Early life Voyage to India Return to Portugal Later life and death Legacy See also References Vasco da Gama (c. 1460 – 24 December 1524) was a Portuguese explorer and navigator who was the first European to sail directly from Europe to India. He was born in Sines, Portugal, and died in … Read more