The Age Of Buddha Important Cites In Uttar Pradesh

 Sarnath About 10 km. from the holy city of Varanasi, Sarnath is the place where more than 2,500 years ago Buddha delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. An imposing conical structure, 34 meters in height, called Dhamek stupa signifies the “seat of the holy Buddha.” There are also the ruins of Dharmarajika … Read more

Social Reform Measures By British Government

 Social reform measures by British Government (1828 to 1857) Hinduism in particular had become a compound of magic, animism, and superstitions. The abominable rites like animal sacrifice and physical torture had replaced the worship of God. The priests exercised an overwhelming and unhealthy influence on the mind of people. The faithful lived in … Read more

Pre Historic Period Races And Culture

 Prehistoric Period :- Races and culture The distant past when there was no paper or language or the written word, and hence no books or written document, is called as the Prehistoric period. It was difficult to understand how Prehistoric people lived until scholars began excavations in Prehistoric sites.Piecing together of information deduced … Read more

Nature And Scope Of Philosophy And Religion (2)

 Nature and scope of philosophy and religion Philosophy:Nature and scope The word ‘philosophy’ is derived from two Greek words philos and sophia. Philos stands for love and sophia for wisdom. It stood for serious cultivation of the intellect and understanding. It was a searching inquiry into the deeper values of life. But simply … Read more

Missionary Activities In India (1)

 Missionary activities in India There are two views among scholars about the origin of Christianity in India. According to one, the foundation of the Christian church in India was laid by Saint Thomas, one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus. The other view would ascribe the arrival of Christianity in India to the … Read more

Jainism With Reference To Uttar Pradesh

 Jainism Originated in India thousands of years ago and is thought to have heavily influenced the two other main belief systems of the region at that time: Buddhism. The religion centres on the progress of one’s soul towards a divine consciousness through self-reformation, wisdom and self-control and pacifism towards all living creatures. There … Read more

Dr Ambedkar

 Dr. Ambedkar and constitution Due to his seminal role in the framing of the Indian Constitution, Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar is popularly known all over India as the chief architect of the Indian Constitution. His efforts to eradicate social evils were remarkable and that is why he is called the “messiah” of the Dalits … Read more

Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy (5)

 Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy To characterize Indian philosophy as wholly spiritualistic is as much wrong as to characterize Western philosophy as wholly materialistic. Nor can we say Western philosophy is wholly scientific, rational and ethical, while Indian philosophy is wholly apologetic based on faith and mysticism. Such characterization is wrong … Read more