Investments in India

Investments in India Here is a list of sub topics without any description for Investments in India: EquityEquity investments Debt investments Mutual Funds Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) Real estate Gold BondsBonds DerivativesDerivatives Participatory notes (PNs) Venture Capital (VC)

Investment Models in India

Here is a list of subtopics on InvestmentInvestment-modelsInvestment Models in India: Direct investment Portfolio investment Foreign Direct Investment Portfolio investment Foreign portfolio investment Institutional investment Retail investment HNI investment FDI FPI DII Retail investor HNI Mutual Funds Exchange-traded funds BondsBonds Stocks DerivativesDerivatives Real estate Gold Silver Commodities Currency P2P lending Crowdfunding Angel investing Venture Capital … Read more

REITs (Real State Investment Fund)

Here is a list of subtopics about REITs (Real Estate InvestmentInvestment Trusts): What is a REIT? How do REITs work? Types of REITs REIT advantages REIT disadvantages How to invest in REITs REIT performance REIT TaxationTaxation REIT risks REIT regulations REIT investing strategies REITs vs. other investment OptionsOptions The future of REITs I hope this … Read more