Broad Physical Feature

 Broad Physical Feature: Mountains, Plateaus, Plains, Lakes and Glaciers:-   Landforms are the natural features and shapes existent on the face of the earth. Landforms possess many different physical characteristics and are spread out throughout the planet. Together, landforms constitute a specific terrain and their physical arrangement in the landscape forms what is … Read more


Three Geological divisions: The peninsular block The Himalayas and other Peninsular Mountains Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain   Peninsualar block is made of gneisses (metamorphic) and granites (igneous). Six physiographic divisions: The Northern and North-eastern Mountains The Northern Plain The Peninsular Plateau The Indian Desert The Coastal Plains The Islands Northern and North-Eastern Mountains Approximate length of the … Read more

Coral Reef and Coral Bleaching

  Coral is actually a living animal. has a symbiotic relationship (each gives something to the other and gets something back in return) With ‘zooxanthellae’ microscopic algae which live on coral [i.e. instead of living on the sea  floor, the algae lives up on the coral which is closer to the ocean surface and so … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics in oceanography: Physical oceanography Chemical oceanography Biological oceanography Geological oceanography Marine geology Marine geophysics Marine biology Marine ecology Marine chemistry Marine physics Marine meteorology Ocean climate Ocean currents Ocean waves Tides Salinity Temperature Density Turbidity Transparency Color Sound speed Light penetration Phytoplankton ZooplanktonZooplankton Fish Marine mammals Seabirds Coral reefs … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics about corals: Types of corals Hard corals Soft corals Stony corals Alcyonarian corals Corals and the environment Coral reefs Coral bleaching Coral diseases Coral conservation Corals and humans Corals in food and medicine Corals in art and culture Corals in tourism Corals in research Coral genetics Coral physiology Coral … Read more