Climate of Odisha

Climate of Odisha Geograraphical and Regional Situation (Physiography) of Odisha  Odisha is a state on the eastern seaboard of India, located between 170 degree 49’ and 220 degree 36’ North latitudes and between 810 36’ and 870 18’ East longitudes.  It spreads over an area of 1,55,707 sq km. and is largely divided … Read more

Kharif Crops

What are Kharif Crops? Kharif crops are crops that are grown during the rainy season in India. The word “Kharif” comes from the Arabic word “kharif”, which means “autumn”. Kharif crops are typically planted in June or July and harvested in October or November. The main Kharif crops in India are rice, maize, CottonCotton, jute, … Read more

Equatorial Rain Forest Climate

Equatorial rain forest climate is a tropical climate that is characterized by warm temperatures and high rainfall. It is found near the equator, where the sun’s rays are most direct. Equatorial rain forests are home to a wide variety of plants and animals, and they play an important role in the Earth’s climate system. Subtopics: … Read more