Philosophy of Samkhya

Philosophy of Samkhya Samkhya, also spelled Sankhya, one of the six systems (darshans) of Indian philosophy. Samkhya adopts a consistent dualism of matter (prakriti) and the eternal spirit (purusha). The two are originally separate, but in the course of evolution purusha mistakenly identifies itself with aspects of prakriti. Right knowledge consists of the ability of … Read more

Samkhya School

The Samkhya School The Samkhya school is one of the six orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. It is a dualistic philosophy that posits the existence of two fundamental realities: purusha (consciousness) and prakriti (nature). Purusha is eternal, unchanging, and perfect, while prakriti is material, changing, and imperfect. The goal of human life, according to Samkhya, … Read more