Kerala economy is grappling with 3 necessary issues; one is the reduction within the share of agriculture and allied sectors and sluggish performance of Industrial Sector in State income. The third is that the severe resource crunch faced by the state for endeavour development expenditure. In 2004-05, the share of agriculture and business in … Read more

Kerala Government Schemes

Kerala Government Schemes Insurance Scheme (Savalambam) for Disabled People in Kerala: This is the insurance scheme named Savalambam for the disabled person in Kerala. The main purpose of the scheme is to take care of disabled person and include them into the mainstream Society. As centre as well as State Government has taken many initiative … Read more

Sikkim Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Sikkim PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy Basic Understanding of Public Finance of Sikkim Public finance as a concept may be understood on two levels – as a practical activity of all components of Public Administration and As a theoretical area. The term “public finance“ may be defined as the identification of specific financial relationships and functions running … Read more

West Bengal Public Finance and fiscal Policy

West Bengal PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy West Bengal government’s finances are the worst among 5 highly-indebted states of India. the entire debt burden of province is near rupees two lakh crores implying that the debt burden of each citizen of the state is over twenty thousand rupees (The Times of India, May 30, 2011) … Read more

West Bengal: Government Schemes and Projects

West Bengal: Government Schemes and Projects West Bengal is located in the eastern part of India. It is bounded on its north by Bhutan and the state of Sikkim, on its east by Bangladesh, on its northeast by the state of Assam, on its south by the Bay of Bengal, on its southwest by the state of Odisha, … Read more

Meghalaya Public Finance And Fiscal Policy

  Meghalaya PUBLIC FINANCE And Fiscal Policy The state of Meghalaya, along with all the other states in the NER, has been given special category status by the central government. Special category status is accorded to a state with certain characteristics that necessitate stronger than normal hand-holding by the central government. The predominant characteristics relate … Read more

Meghalaya Planned Development

Meghalaya Planned Development Planned Development: Meaning and Necessity When Independence came, India had a slender industrial base. Millions of her rural people suffered under the weight of a traditional agrarian structure. A long period of economic stagnation, against the background of increasing pressure of Population, followed by the burdens of the Second World War, had … Read more

Nagaland Public Finance and fiscal Policy

Nagaland PUBLIC FINANCE and Fiscal Policy Nagaland is one amongst the north-eastern states in India. It’s bordered on its west and north by Assam, on its east by Myanmar (formerly referred to as Burma), on its north by Arunachal Pradesh, and on its south by Manipur. Nagaland is one of India’s smallest states, with an entire space … Read more

Role of Central and State Civil services in a democracy

Values are the standards on which, we evaluate things. For every situation we don’t have time to ‘test’ the case on ethics theories such as utilitarianism. Values provide time saving short-cut in such situation. Under New public management (NPM), the concept of public Services is fast changing. Bureaucrat has become directly accountable to citizen-customer. He … Read more