Give an account for the following: (map based questions) a) Great lakes b) Lake Baikal c) Lake Tanganyika d) Aral sea

(a)Great lakes  Great Lakes of North America are a series of interconnected freshwater lakes which connect to the Atlantic Ocean through the Saint Lawrence Seaway.Consisting of Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario . Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario [In the order of largest to smallest].Lake Superior is the largest continental lake in the … Read more

Give an account of the following: a) Vaikom satyagraha b) Delhi proposal c) Alipore conspiracy d) Muzzafarpur conspiracy case

(a)Vaikom satyagraha: Vaikom Satyagraha was a movement in Travancore (modern-day Kerala) for temple entry ofthe depressed classes. It took place near the Shiva Temple at Vaikom, Kottayam district, Keraladuring 1924-25. Vaikom was at that time a part of the princely state of Travancore. (b)Delhi proposal: Earlier, in December 1927, a large number of Muslim leaders … Read more

Describe the socio-economic condition of Harappan civilisation.

Indus valley is an example of great civilisation flourishing in the pre vedic era. The civilisation marks the zenith in terms of art, architecture and culture. Its magnanimous architecture depicts the vibrant social and culture life. Social life:      Cities were divided into two parts. One was citadel (for the nobles) and the other part … Read more

Divisions and district’s of Andhra Pradesh

Divisions and district’s  of Andhra Pradesh Revenue Divisions are the administrative divisions in districts of some of the Indian states. These divisions are sub-divided into mandals. The mandals are in turn divided into villages and hamlets. There are 50 revenue divisions in Andhra Pradesh, of which East Godavari district has as many as 7 divisions … Read more

rural banking impact on rural credit:sources and problems of rural credit, institutional credit,SHG, micro finance, NABARD, RRBs

68.84% of the Population in India is rural based and majority of them depends on agriculture for a living. Enhanced and stable Growth of the agriculture sector is important as it plays a vital role not only in generating purchasing power among the rural population by creating on-farm and off-farm EMPLOYMENT opportunities but also through … Read more

Preamble and its significance

The Constitution of India begins with a Preamble which describes the nature of the Indian State and the objectives it is committed to secure. K.M. Munshi describes The Preamble as the political horoscope of the constitution. Thakur Dass Bhargawa says Preamble is the most precious part and the soul of the constitution. The Preamble reads: … Read more