Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation

Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation in India India is an agrarian economy with more than half of the Population living in rural areas and depending on agriculture for their income. However, since the economic INFRASTRUCTURE Sector as it is one of the key drivers responsible for India’s propelling economic Growth. Infrastructure Development in India has been … Read more

Right to Property

  Fundamental Rights are the basic rights of the people and the charter of rights contained in Part III of Constitution of India. It guarantees civil liberties such that all Indians can lead their lives in peace and harmony as citizens of India. These include individual rights common to most liberal democracies, such as Equality … Read more

Sources of Income of State Government

The constitution (73rd and 74th) Amendment Acts, 1992 and ARTICLE 280 (3) (c) have altered the erstwhile fiscal devolution system and framework between the states and local governments. Under the new fiscal devolution system every State Government is required to constitute, once in five years, a Finance Commission under articles 243 (I) and entrust it … Read more

Tax and Economic Reforms of Uttarakhand

  Economic Profile Uttarakhand is one of the fastest growing states of the India. The State’s economy grew at an annual Growth rate of over 10 percent during the last decade. In terms of economic growth, the state’s performance has been above the national Average from 2002-03 to 2010-11. The high growth led to rapid … Read more

Personal,Financial and Administrative Laws

Personnel Law Human resource managers in the twenty-first century are faced with an unprecedented intrusion of law into the workplace. The recent rise in EMPLOYMENT litigation and heightened awareness of employee rights in the last decade should signal to management that now more than ever, educating personnel executives in the trends and developments of employment … Read more

Civil And Criminal Laws

 Civil and Criminal laws: hierarchy of civil and criminal courts in India Courts and Justice system in India The courts are divided into three categories with top court, middle court and lower court. The top court is named as The Supreme Court, while the middle court is named as High Court, and the … Read more

Land Settlements

          Zamindari System (19%) Bengal, Bihar, Banaras, division of NW provinces & northern Carinatic.         90 % of the revenue went to government & 10 % to Zamindar (British) Mahalwari System (30%) Major parts of NW provinces, Central provinces & Punjab. Responsibility         of paying … Read more


Tax Reforms in India Sience 1990 ie the Chief Justice of India The Supreme Court of India is the highest court in India. It has: (a) One Chief Justice and 25 other judges (b) One Chief Justice and 30 other judges (c) One Chief Justice and 35 other judges (d) One Chief Justice and 40 … Read more