Industrial Developement of Odisha

Industrial Developement of Odisha:- Orissa is endowed with vast Resources of a variety of Minerals and occupies a prominent place in the country as a mineral rich State. Abundant reserves of high-grade Iron Ore, Bauxite, Chromite, Manganese ore along with other minerals such as Coal, Limestone, Dolomite, Tin, Nickel, Vanadium, Lead, Graphite, Gold, Gemstone, Diamond, … Read more

Tamil Nadu Trade and Commarce

Tamil Nadu Trade and Commarce Gross state domestic product of Tamilnadu grow at a CAGR of 11.68% between 2004-5 and 2015 -16, riching US dollar 175.33 billion in 2015-16. Per capita gsdp of Tamilnadu is US dollar 2430.54( at current prices) is nearly 1.75 times higher than the national Average of US dollar 1389.6. According … Read more

Haryana trade and commerce

Haryana Trade and Commerce Haryana is a key destination of manufacturing part of auto manufacture sectors. Haryana is a preferred destination for auto majors and auto-component manufacturers. The state is host to many large automotive players. Gurgaon has emerged as a preferred destination for the IT Industry in North India, with more than 400 IT … Read more

Enactments made by Himachal Pradesh Government to protect and promote the interests of agrarian society

Enactments made by Himachal Pradesh Government to protect and promote the interests of agrarian Society agriculture contributes over 45% to the net state domestic product. It is the main Source Of Income and EMPLOYMENT in Himachal. Over 93% of the Population in Himachal depend directly upon agriculture which provides direct employment to 71% of its … Read more

Himachal Pradesh Industries and its policies

 Himachal Pradesh Industries and its policies Industry is the production of goods or related Services within an economy.The major source of revenue of a group or company is the indicator of its relevant industry. Following the Industrial revolution, many developed countries and developing on manufacturing industry. In twentieth century when science and technology have gained … Read more

Industrial development of Bihar

Industrial development of Bihar Bihar is one of the fastest growing states in India. The economy of Bihar is projected to grow at a compound annual Growth rate (CAGR) of 13.4% during 2012-2017 i.e. the 12th Five-Year Plan. Bihar has witnessed strong growth in per capita net state domestic product (NSDP). At current prices, per … Read more

Preservation & promotion of culture and indigenous knowledge- Use of Regional Language in ICT

Preservation & promotion of culture and indigenous knowledge- Use of Regional Language in ICT “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people.” –Mahatma Gandhi  Indigenous Knowledge (IK) refers to the knowledge, innovations, and practices of indigenous groups in matters related to agriculture and environmental management, medicine and Health, … Read more

Industrial Development of Uttarakhand

Industrial development of uttarakhand Uttarakhand is one of the fastest growing states in India, thanks to the massive Growth in capital investments arising from conducive Industrial Policy and generous tax benefits. The state is situated in the foothills of Himalayas. The presence of several hill stations, wildlife parks, pilgrimage places and trekking routes make Uttarakhand … Read more

Uttarakhand :Industrial development

The Industrial Policy of the State provided several incentives to attract industries in the form of tax concessions, industrial plots and other basic Horticulture, Floriculture, Bio-technology etc.  To provide assured, good quality, uninterrupted and affordable power for industries.  To simplify and rationalize labour laws and procedures in tune with the current day requirements, … Read more

Indian Cultural Heritage

Advent Of Islam Effects Of Aasana And Pranayama On Health (2) Growth Of Vernacular Languages Hindu Dharma Hindutva And Patriotism Islam Principles And Practices God, Confession Of Faith, Five Pillers Of Islam Islam Sacred Places, The Family System, Sharia, Sunni And Shia Jainism KHAJURAHO TEMPLES (1) Literary And Scholarly Studies During British Indi1 Socio Religious … Read more