Work culture

Work culture An organization is formed to achieve certain goals and objectives by bringing individuals together on a common platform and motivating them to deliver their level best. It is essential for the employees to enjoy at the workplace for them to develop a sense of loyalty towards it. Work culture plays an important role … Read more

Code of ethics

Code of ethics Ethics codes are as old as antiquity. Religious traditions and civic cultures have codes as their foundations. The Mosaic Decalogue (Ten Commandments) is the keystone for Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Pericles made the Athenian code the underpinning of ancient Greek politics and culture. In each case codes carry general obligations and admonitions, … Read more

Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct Civil servants have special obligations because they are responsible for managing Resources entrusted to them by the community, because they provide and deliver Services to the community and because they take important decisions that aff ect all aspects of a community’s life. Th ecommunity has a right to expect that the civil … Read more

Manpower Based Industries

Services SECTOR Introduction The services sector continued to be the key driver of India’s economic Growth contributing almost 72.5% of gross value added growth in 2017-18 while providing EMPLOYMENT to around 30% of Population (ILO estimates, 2016). The government has initiated many reforms to boost the sector which is expected to grow at 8.3% in … Read more

Model Code of Conduct

Model Code of Conduct A model code of conduct is a set of rules that govern the behavior of individuals or organizations in a particular field or industry. It is designed to promote ethical behavior and protect the public interest. The model code of conduct for the tech industry was developed by the National Association … Read more

ARPIT: Revolutionizing Professional Development for Higher Education Faculty

The Annual Refresher Programme In Teaching (ARPIT) is a transformative initiative launched by India’s Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Aimed at the professional development of faculty in higher education, ARPIT leverages the power of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to deliver high-quality training and resources on a vast scale. Why ARPIT Matters Continuous Learning: The … Read more