Management Marketing

 Marketing MANAGEMENT   MARKETING MANAGEMENT is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.   CORE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING   NEED/ WANT/ DEMAND:   Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.   … Read more


       BEHAVIOUR   INTELLIGENCE (Cognitive; Emotional; Social; Cultural; Multiple)     Cognitive Intelligence   Cognition: Mentally processing information (images, concepts, etc.); thinking Intelligence: It is the ability to process data into more efficient systems by acquiring learned substantive mental methods which develops into cognitive ability.   Cognitive intelligence is the ability … Read more

International And Regional

 International and Regional Organisations   International Organizations   An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. There are two main types: International nongovernmental organizations (INGOs): non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that operate internationally. These include international non-profit organizations and worldwide companies such as the World Organization of the Scout Movement, International Committee of the Red Cross. Intergovernmental organizations, also known as international governmental … Read more

Relative Speed And Train Questions

 RELATIVE SPEEED AND TRAIN QUESTIONS Speed has no sense of direction unlike the velocity. Relative speed is the speed of one object as observed from another moving object. Questions on train are the classic examples of relative speed and in all these questions it is assumed that trains move parallel … Read more

Skill development

SKILL DEVELOPMENT Introduction India is passing through the phase of demographic transition which could be the biggest opportunity or the biggest concern of the country depending upon the utilization of its huge work force. India adds 12 million people to its workforce annually, but very few have any formal skill training. Today, less than four … Read more

Control And Coordination

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> :Plants and animals All the living organisms respond and react to changes in the Environment around them. The changes in the environment to which the organisms respond and react are called stimuli such as Light, heat, cold, Sound, smell, touch etc. Coordination in plants Coordination refers … Read more

RAS Mains Quick Revision: UNIT III :Part B- Management

QUICK REVISION SERIES RAS MAINS   UNIT III :Part B- Management   Modern Concept of Marketing: Modern concept of marketing concentrates majorly on consumer satisfaction. According to this concept, marketing starts from discovery of consumer needs and wants and ends with the satisfaction of those needs and wants.   Draw flow chart like this: Survey … Read more

Emotional Intelligence – Concepts and their Utilities

Emotional Intelligence: Applications in governance and administration Work rules are in a constant state of flux with new yardsticks by which workers are being evaluated. In today’s corporate world it is increasingly being recognised that an impressive curriculum vitae, good credentials and technical expertise does not have the desired impact in someone with low emotional … Read more


Solutions Solutions are homogeneous (single-phase) mixtures of two or more components. They are extremely important in Chemistry because they allow intimate and varied encounters between Molecules of di?erent kinds, a condition that is essential for rapid chemical reactions to occur. Molarity: Molarity is defined as the number of moles of solute dissolved per litre of … Read more

Education Characterstics

  Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization, and teachers and educational institutions as socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument of Social Change, three things are important: the agents of change, the content of change, and the social background of those who are sought to be changed, i.e. students. Educational … Read more