Medieval history of tamil nadu

Medieval history of Tamil nadu Chola empire The founder of the Chola Empire was Vijayalaya, who was first feudatory of the Pallavas of Kanchi. He captured Tanjore in 850 A.D. He established a temple of goddess Nishumbhasudini (Durga) there. By the end of the ninth century, INFRASTRUCTURE. Corruption. Caste discrimination. Communal violence. Environmental Degradation. Terrorism. … Read more

Tuglaqs and Rajasthan

Tuglaqs and Rajasthan The Mewar reestablished their supremacy within 50 years of the sack of Chittorgarh, under Maharana Hammir. Hammir defeated Muhammad Tughlaq with Charans as his main allies, and captured him. Tughlaq had to pay a huge ransom and relinquish all of Mewar’s lands. After this the Delhi Sultanate did not attack Chittorgarh for … Read more

Former Princely States of Bihar and Zamindaris

Former Princely States of Bihar and Zamindaris RAJPUT PRINCELY STATES & ZAMINDARI ESTATES IN BIHAR Before the Partition of India in 1947, hundreds (565) of Princely States, also called Native States, existed in India which were not fully and formally part of British India but enjoyed a British protectorate and indirect rule. These were the … Read more

Scindia dynasty

Scindia dynasty Gwalior has been ruled by the Scindia clan and also has the distinction of having been one of the most developed states of India. Gwalior has a very old and magnificent history as its name is derived from the erstwhile town of Gwalior also known and Gawalier. Gwalior has been ruled by many … Read more

Revolt of 1857 of Rajasthan

 Revolt of 1857 of Rajasthan       During the 1857 several Rajputs of Rajasthan were against the British Government. They were not satisfied with the rule of the Britishers, and the seeds of revolution started to emerge against the government. Common public also joined them. In many areas of Rajasthan, there was a flame … Read more

Administrative Organization of the British- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Army Army fulfilled four important functions: Instrument to conquer Indian powers Defended the British Empire in India against foreign rivals Safe-guarded against internal revolt Chief instrument for extending and defending the British Empire in Asia and Africa. Bulk of the army consisted of Indians. In 1857, of the total strength of 311400, about 265900 were … Read more


What is a Monarchy? A monarchy is a form of government in which a person, the monarch, is head of state for life or until abdication. The monarch may be hereditary, meaning that the position is passed down from parent to child, or it may be elective, meaning that the monarch is chosen by a … Read more