Law And Rule

 Law and Rule related Administration   Administrative Law Administrative law is the body of law created by the agencies and departments of the government, which carry out the laws passed by Center or a State Legislature. When Center passes a law on a complicated issue, Center  often needs help determining all … Read more

Judicial Overreach

Judicial Overreach Judicial overreach is a term used to describe the act of a court or judge exceeding its authority. This can occur when a court interprets the law in a way that is not supported by the text of the law, or when a court issues an order that is not authorized by law. … Read more

Judicial Activism & Judicial Overreach

Judicial activism is a term used to describe the practice of judges making law rather than interpreting it. Judicial overreach is a related term that refers to judges ruling on issues that are not properly within the scope of their authority. There is no single definition of judicial activism, but it is generally understood to … Read more