Tribal welfare administration, Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Himachal Pradesh

Tribal Welfare Administration, Tribal sub plan and Single line administration in Himachal Pradesh The tribal areas of Himachal Pradesh though sparsely populated continue to receive special attention of the State Government primarily on account of their strategic location and comparative backwardness. The Tribal Sub Plan was started in 1974-75 in the State and entire tribal … Read more

Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Civil Society in India

Self Help Groups (SHGs) and Civil Society in India The Self Help Groups (SHG) initiative was adopted by India several decades ago in order to alleviate POVERTY, and improve Women’s ability to achieve rights and well-being. At the beginning, SHG was an initiative undertook by NGOs, but later on, due to its success in improving … Read more

Role of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs),

Role Of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) NGOs are voluntary organization’s. These are popularly known as NGOs because they are free from governmental control in their functioning. They are democratic and open to all those wishing to become member of the organization voluntarily and serve the Society. NGO have a long history in India. In the past, … Read more

Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh

Relief and Structure of Himachal Pradesh The area covered by Himachal Pradesh lies in most complicated geological regions of Outer or sub-Himalayan zone, Lower Himalayan zone, Higher Himalayan zone, Tethys Himalayan zone. The highest relative relief (more than 5,100 m) is found in the eastern part of the state, covering the western part of Kinnaur, … Read more

Irrigation and Hydropower of Himachal Pradesh

 Irrigation and Hydropower of Himachal Pradesh Irrigation is the application of controlled amounts of water to Plants at needed intervals. It helps grow agricultural crops, maintain landscapes, and revegetate disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall. Types of irrigation Surface irrigation- Itis the oldest form of irrigation and has been in … Read more

Himachal Pradesh Food security

Himachal Pradesh Food Security Himachal is one of the most dynamic hill states of India with significantly high indicators of Human Development. Its natural Resources and physiography, separate administrative identity, and notable accomplishments in Literacy hold the promise of great progress. Congress government in Himachal Pradesh had implemented the ambitious food security programme of UPA … Read more

Himachal Pradesh Human Development Index

Himachal Pradesh Human Development index, Human Development: Concept and Introduction: Human Development has been defined as the‘process of enlarging people’s choices’. The mostcritical ones are to be able to lead a long andhealthy life, to be educated and to enjoy a decentstandard of living. Additional choices includepolitical freedom, guaranteed Human Rights andself-respect In relation to … Read more

Environment pollution and solid waste management, types of solid waste, factors affecting solid waste generation

Solid Waste Management; Types of Solid waste Management; Factors affecting Solid Waste Generation Solid Waste Management Solid waste management is basic public Services which every citizen should have access to, both for INFRASTRUCTURE and cause the release of hazardous materials. War and conflict: War and conflict can also lead to an increase in the amount … Read more

Human Development Index- HDI

Human Development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. The most critical ones are to lead a long and healthy life, to be educated and to enjoy a decent standard of living. Additional choices include political freedom, guaranteed Human Rights and self-respect.Human development has to be development of the people, by the people, for the … Read more