Geography Free Mock Quiz 1

Specially designed mock Quiz for Geography for the systematic coverage of PSC Exam prelims syllabus and practice. History Free Mock Quiz has 30 questions. If any issue is observed with answer students may comment below , Geography is the study of the Earth and its people. It is a broad field that encompasses many different … Read more

Variation In The Population In Various Countries

 Variation in the Population in various countries The Growth of Human Population: Four Major Periods or Stages An early period of hunters and gatherers   This period ranges between the first evolutions of humans on this planet to the beginning of agriculture. During this period, it is estimated that the total population was … Read more

Scheduled Caste Population Composition Of India

 Scheduled Caste Population composition of India Scheduled Castes are notified in 31 States/UTs of India and there are altogether 1,241 individual ethnic groups, etc. notified as Scheduled Castes in different States/UTs. There has been some changes in the List of SCs/STs in States/ UTs during the last decade. As per the 2011 Census … Read more

Rural #U2013 Urban Continuum

 Rural – Urban continuum Rural- urban continuum, the merging of town and country, a term used in recognition of the fact that in general there is rarely, either physically or socially, a sharp division, a clearly marked boundary between the two, with one part of the Population wholly urban, the other wholly rural. … Read more


 Population : Regional Pattern of Growth India’s population is young. Its birth and death rates are both near the global Average. More than half the population is under age 30 and less than one-fourth is age 45 or older. Life expectancy is about 68 for men and 70 for Women. A population explosion … Read more

Human Migration

 Human Migration Human migration, the permanent change of residence by an individual or group; it excludes such movements as nomadism, migrant labour, commuting, and tourism, all of which are transitory in nature. Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of settling in the new location. … Read more

Demographic Dividend And Transition

 Demographic dividend and transition Demographic dividend The term “demographic dividend” (DD) refers to the accelerated economic Growth that a country can achieve when it has a low dependency ratio or, in other words, when the proportion of its Population that is of working age is greater than the proportion of its population that … Read more

Census Of India

 Census of India : Economic and Social features Rural and urban Population Altogether, 833.5 million persons live in rural area as per Census 2011, which was more than two-third of the total population, while 377.1 million persons live in urban areas. Urban proportion has gone up from 17.3 per cent in 1951 to … Read more


 Biodiversity-Defination, types, importance, hotspots, threats and conservation The term biodiversity was coined as a contraction of biological diversity by E.O. Wilson in 1985. Biodiversity may be defined as the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they exist. In other words, biodiversity is the occurrence of different types … Read more