Major cities and tourist attractions in Tamilnadu 2

Pudukkottai INTRODUCTION Often regarded as the perfect representation of Dravidian culture, the beautiful region of Puddukottai is blessed by a heritage that dates back to ancient antiquity. One of the best features of this culture, is the fact that the very essence of this is still held on to strongly in the minds and souls … Read more

Civil Rebellions and Tribal Uprisings-For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

The backbone of the rebellions, their mass base and striking power came from the rack-rented peasants, ruined artisans and demobilized soldiers CAUSES The major cause of the civil rebellions was the rapid changes the British introduced in the economy, administration and land revenue system. The revenues were enhanced by increasing taxes. Thousands of zamindars and … Read more

French Settlements in India

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for French Settlements in India: Pondicherry Karaikal Mahe Yanam Chandernagore The French settlements in India were a series of trading posts and colonies established by the French East India Company in the 17th and 18th centuries. The most important of these settlements were Pondicherry, Karaikal, Mahe, … Read more