Geological history

  The spatial extent of Jharkhand State is approximately 21° 55’ to 25° 35’ North Latitude and 83° 20’ to 88° 02’ East Longitude. The state is land locked and it Shares its boundary with Orissa on the southeast, Chattisgarh on the southwest, Bihar on the north, West Bengal on the east and Uttar Pradesh … Read more

Minerals and Rocks

Here is a list of subtopics without any description for Minerals and Rocks: Minerals Igneous minerals Felsic minerals Mafic minerals Ultramafic minerals Sedimentary minerals Clastic minerals Chemical sedimentary minerals Organic sedimentary minerals Metamorphic minerals Recrystallized minerals Deformation minerals Rocks Igneous Rocks Plutonic rocks Volcanic rocks Sedimentary Rocks Clastic sedimentary rocks Chemical sedimentary rocks Organic sedimentary … Read more