Review Petition

A review petition is a legal proceeding that can be filed in a court of law to seek a review of a previous decision. The purpose of a review petition is to correct an error in the previous decision or to provide new evidence that was not available at the time of the original decision. … Read more

Election Petition

Election Petition An election petition is a legal action that is filed in court to challenge the results of an election. The purpose of an election petition is to determine whether the election was conducted fairly and whether the results are accurate. Election petitions are typically filed by candidates who lost an election. However, they … Read more

Writ Petition

What is a Writ Petition? A writ petition is a legal document that is filed in a court of law to seek relief from a government action or inaction. Writ petitions are used to challenge the constitutionality of laws, to seek redress for violations of rights, and to obtain orders from the court directing the … Read more

Parliamentary Privilleges (Article 105)

Parliamentary Privileges (Article 105) Parliamentary privilege is a set of rights and immunities enjoyed by members of parliament in order to enable them to carry out their duties without fear of reprisal. These privileges include freedom of speech, freedom from arrest, and the right to access documents and information. Article 105 of the Constitution of … Read more