PDCA Cycle, Personnel Policies

PDCA Cycle Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)  is a well-known and respected approach to helping teams plan and implement a solution to a problem, often testing it on a micro scale and reviewing the results before agreeing how to proceed. PDCA encourages an engaged, problem-solving workforce – the method is not limited to managers, but … Read more

Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)

Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) The DRDO was formed in 1958 following the merge of the Technical Development Establishment (TDE) of the Indian Army, the Directorate of Technical Development & Production (DTDP) and the Defence Science Organisation (DSO).  DRDO laboratories conduct research in a number of fields, such as aeronautics, rockets and missiles, electronics … Read more

General Defences

   General Defences Vis Major or Act of God When something occurs over which you have no control and it is effected of accentuated by the forces of nature then you are not liable in tort law for such inadvertent damage that may arise out of such. However if you were well aware … Read more