Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation in India

Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation in India India is an agrarian economy with more than half of the Population living in rural areas and depending on agriculture for their income. However, since the economic INFRASTRUCTURE Sector as it is one of the key drivers responsible for India’s propelling economic Growth. Infrastructure Development in India has been … Read more

Social Policy And Social Development

 Social policy and social development Social policy Social policies may be thought of as clusters of rules or as institutionalized guiding principles maintaining a social order. These rules and principles evolved throughout the history of human groups. They reflect choices and decisions made by successive generations striving to satisfy basic biological and emerging … Read more

Social Movement And Directed Social Change

 Social movement Social movement, loosely organized but sustained campaign in support of a social goal, typically either the implementation or the prevention of a change in Society’s structure or values. Although social movements differ in size, they are all essentially collective. That is, they result from the more or less spontaneous coming together … Read more

Social Empowerment

 Social Empowerment, Communalism, Regionalism   Social empowerment In societal development, conception of empowerment has vital role. This phrase is linked with Secularism and national amalgamation. The consequences of Communalism are ruinous. Causes of Communalism There are numerous of causes for the occurrence of communalism. First is the tendency of the Minorities. The Muslims … Read more

Social Institutions

 Social Institutions: Family, Marriage, Kinship, Religion and Social stratification in India Society is the combination of individuals. These individuals have their various needs which they want to be satisfied. For this purpose people behave in a customary way which is controlled by norms. This participation of people for the attainment of their various … Read more

Changing Status Of Women And Social Movements

 Changing status of Women and social movements The status of women has been the central concern of many reform move­ments before and after independence. Leaders of the Brahmo Samaj and the Arya Samaj were concerned with issues like sati, remarriage, divorce, female Education, purdah system, polygamy, and dowry. women’s participation in movements has … Read more

Universalizing Science And Technology Literacy (2)

 Citizenship The need to promote a world community of scientifically and technologically literate citizens was regarded as urgent by the World Conference on Education for All held in Jomtien in 1990. The UNESCO Project 2000+, committed to developing appropriate structures and activities to foster scientific and technological literacy for all, in all the … Read more

E Learning IT& Rural Applications

 E-Learning– IT& Rural applications A learning system based on formalised teaching but with the help of electronic Resources is known as E-learning. While teaching can be based in or out of the classrooms, the use of computers and the Internet forms the major component of E-learning. E-learning can also be termed as a … Read more

Planning Commission And National Development Council (1)

 Planning Commission and national development council Planning commission The Planning Commission was an institution in the Government of India, which formulated India’s Five-Year Plans, among other functions. Background Rudimentary economic planning, deriving from the sovereign authority of the state, was first initiated in India in 1938 by Congress President and Indian National Army … Read more