Wavell Plan & Shimla Conference-

In May 1945, Lord Wavell, the Viceroy of India, went to London and discussed his ideas about the future of India with the British administration. The talks resulted in the formulation of a plan of action that was made public in June 1945. The plan is known as Wavell Plan. The Plan suggested reconstitution of … Read more

Civil Disobedience Movement and Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 1931- For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Started by Gandhi on 12th March 1930 with the Dandi March. Reached Dandi on April 6. Defiance of forest laws in Maharashtra, Central Province and Karnataka. Refusal to pay chaukidari tax in Eastern India. Wide participation of Women Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan organized Khudai Khidmatgars (aka Red Shirts) Nagaland: Rani Gaidilieu First RTC, 1930 Congress … Read more

Revolutionary Terrorism and Bhagat Singh:-For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Revolutionary young men did not try to generate a mass revolution. Instead they followed the strategy of assassinating unpopular officials 1904: VD Savarkar organized Abhinav Bharat Newspapers like The Sandhya and Yugaantar in Bengal and the Kal in Maharashtra advocated revolutionary ideology Kingsford Incident: In 1908, Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki threw bomb at a … Read more

Moderator Phase in National Movement-For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Contribution of early nationalists Early nationalists believed that a direct struggle for the political emancipation of the country was not yet on the agenda of history. On agenda was: Creation of public interest in political questions and the organization of public opinion Popular demands had to be formulated on a country-wide basis National unity had … Read more

Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues. for Ras Rts Mains Examination and Ras Rts Prelims Exam

Famous Personalities India in the Eighteenth Century Administrative Organization of the British Growth of Communalism World War I and Indian Nationalism The Home Rule Movement Lucknow Pact (1916) Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Rowalt act Gandhi’s early career and activism Non Co-operation and Khilafat Movement Peasant Movements The Working Class Movements Struggles for Gurudwara Reform and Temple … Read more

Test 1 :-Indian History-Modern Period

[WATU 4] , The British Raj was the rule of the British East India Company and later the British Crown over India from 1757 to 1947. The Company established its first trading post at Surat in 1612, and gradually extended its control over the Indian subcontinent. The British Raj was a period of great change … Read more

Lucknow Pact (1916),Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Rowlatt Act

Lucknow Pact (1916) Nationalists saw that their disunity was affecting their cause Two important developments at the Lucknow Session of Congress The two wings of the Congress were again united The Congress and the Muslim League sank their old differences and put up common political demands before the government. INC and ML passed the same … Read more