Leader of the House

The Leader of the House is a senior member of the government in the United Kingdom. They are responsible for managing the government’s business in the House of Commons. The Leader of the House is also responsible for liaising with the opposition parties and ensuring that the government’s legislative programme is passed. The Leader of … Read more

Membership Of Parliament

Membership of Parliament Membership of Parliament (MP) is a term used to describe the people who are elected to represent their constituents in the House of Commons or the House of Lords. MPs are responsible for making laws, debating government policy, and holding the government to account. To become an MP, you must be a … Read more

Article 78 – Duties of Prime Minister

Article 78 – Duties of Prime Minister The Prime Minister is the head of government of the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister is appointed by the monarch, on the advice of the House of Commons. The Prime Minister is the leader of the political party that has the most seats in the House of Commons. … Read more


Bicameralism is the practice of dividing a legislature into two separate assemblies. The word bicameralism comes from the Latin words bi-, meaning “two,” and camera, meaning “chamber.” The United States Congress is an example of a bicameral legislature, as it is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are several reasons … Read more

Parliamentary Privilleges (Article 105)

Parliamentary Privileges (Article 105) Parliamentary privilege is a set of rights and immunities enjoyed by members of parliament in order to enable them to carry out their duties without fear of reprisal. These privileges include freedom of speech, freedom from arrest, and the right to access documents and information. Article 105 of the Constitution of … Read more

Joint Sitting of Parliament

Joint Sitting of Parliament A joint sitting of Parliament is a meeting of both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Parliament of Australia. It is convened by the Governor-General on the advice of the Prime Minister when the two houses cannot agree on a bill. The first joint sitting of Parliament was … Read more

Indian Parliamentary System

The Indian Parliamentary System is a system of government in which the executive branch is drawn from the legislative branch. The prime minister is the head of government, and the president is the head of state. The prime minister is appointed by the president, but must have the support of the majority of the members … Read more