Major Cities and Tourist Places of Haryana

Major Cities and Tourist Places of Haryana Haryana is situated in North western part of the country. It is located between 27 degrees 37’ North to 30 degrees 35’ North  and  74 degree 28′ East to 77 degree 36’east. The state is located at an altitude of 700 to 3600 feet above the sea level. … Read more

3rd Battle of Panipat(1761)

The Third Battle of Panipat was fought on 14 January 1761, near Panipat, about 97 km (60 mi) north of Delhi, in the present-day state of Haryana, India. The battle was fought between the Maratha Empire and the invading Afghan army of Ahmad Shah Durrani. The Marathas were led by Sadashivrao Bhau, while the Afghans … Read more