Kerala Government Schemes

Kerala Government Schemes Insurance Scheme (Savalambam) for Disabled People in Kerala: This is the insurance scheme named Savalambam for the disabled person in Kerala. The main purpose of the scheme is to take care of disabled person and include them into the mainstream Society. As centre as well as State Government has taken many initiative … Read more

Tamil Nadu: Government Schemes and Projects

Tamil Nadu: Government Schemes and Projects Schemes of Tamilnadu Government Tamil Nadu state is the second largest contributor to the Indian GDP and the second most industrialized state in India. Good Foreign Direct Investment and boost domestic investment in businesses, Tamil Nadu government has announced various subsidies and schemes. Capital Subsidy:- All Micro Manufacturing units … Read more

Himachal Pradesh Schemes and Projects

Himachal Pradesh Schemes and Projects Electronic Health Card Scheme: The govt. of Himachal Pradesh has launched “Electronic Health Card Scheme” in the state. The vision of scheme is to provide ‘LIVEWIRE’ that connect patients and their family members with the hospitals for cure of diseases. Under Universal Immunization Programme (UIP), the state govt. also announced … Read more

Panchayti raj in Bihar

Panchayti raj in Bihar Act Formation The Bihar Panchayati Raj Act was enacted in 2006 after the state was divided into Jharkhand and Bihar and a separate Panchayati Raj Department came into existence in 2007. The Panchayati Raj Department Th e Panchayati Raj Department (PRD) in Bihar came into existence in 2007. It mainly interacts … Read more

Panchayat: Financing, Resource mobilization and devolution

Panchayat: Financing, Resource mobilization and devolution Sources of Funds The Amendments left important matters such as implementation, service delivery (including local capacity building) and transfer of responsibilities and powers to rural local bodies at the discretion of the state legislatures. Consequently, while expenditure responsibilities of local bodies are extensively enhanced, there is no law to … Read more

Karnataka Panchayat Raj

Karnataka Panchayat Raj The Panchayats are among the oldest institutions for local governance in rural Karnataka. This long standing system of local governance is also known as Panchayat Raj (which means rule of village committee). Panchayat Raj ensures proper execution of rural development programmes. It encourages participation of general people in the development programmes. Structural … Read more

Religious Movements, Saints& Lok devtas of Rajasthan.

    Religious Movements in Rajasthan Rajasthan is blessed with multi-religious Society and all the religions found in the country are practiced in Rajasthan in Harmony to each other. Vedic Religion has been practiced in the state since ancient times and worship of sun has been center of religious practice for several communities. Religious movements … Read more

Panchayat Financing And Devolution

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> Panchayat: Financing, Resource mobilization and devolution Sources of Funds The Amendments left important matters such as implementation, service delivery (including local capacity building) and transfer of responsibilities and powers to rural local bodies at the discretion of the state legislatures. Consequently, while expenditure responsibilities of local … Read more

Rajasthan : Schemes and Projects

Rajasthan : Schemes and Projects   Rajasthan Bhamashah Yojana The State Government of Rajasthan has introduced the Bhamashah Yojana and Bhamashah card to empower Women. Under the scheme, the women from below POVERTY line (BPL) families are benefited through direct benefit transfer. The beneficiary of the scheme will get the amount directly into their bank … Read more

Administrative System of Rajasthan

Administrative System of Rajasthan ​​​​​​​​​Rajasthan is divided into 33 districts for administrative purposes. The responsibilities of district management are carried out by a number of All-India officials and a number of state-appointed officials. The ​All-India officials in each district are a District Collector or District Magistrate (from the Indian Administrative Service), a Superintendent of Police … Read more