Rajasthani Languages & Literature

  Rajasthani Languages Evolution of rajasthani languages from Shaurseni Prakrit Saureni Prakrit is then developed into:-          Gurjar in western region          Shaurseni in eastern region (Apram bhasha)   Gurjar-          Maru Gurjar or old Rajasthani          its common language of Rajasthan and Gujrat          1st work was Bhrateshwar Bahubali Ghor by Vajrasensuri in 1168 … Read more

Rajasthani Languages & Literature

  Rajasthani Languages Evolution of rajasthani languages from Shaurseni Prakrit Saureni Prakrit is then developed into:-          Gurjar in western region          Shaurseni in eastern region (Apram bhasha)   Gurjar-          Maru Gurjar or old Rajasthani          its common language of Rajasthan and Gujrat          1st work was Bhrateshwar Bahubali Ghor by Vajrasensuri in 1168 … Read more

Agro-climatic Regions of Rajasthan

Variable Climatic condition throughout the state has led to the development of different agricultural practices. Scientists have divided the state into following Agro-climatic Regions:- Western Agricultural Region:- It covers the sandy arid plains with low rainfall and thus about 70% of the net cropped area is under Kharif Crops of bajra and pulses. This region … Read more

Rajasthan : Main centers for Handicraft for RAS(RTS) Prelims examination

THEWA ART The art of setting gold on glass is known as Thewa Art. Thewa is a rare and distinct skill of Rajasthani Rajsonia of Pratapgarh. Necklace sets,pillboxes,photoframes,pendent,earings are main products.   SANDAL WOOD CARVING Based on ivory crafts shifted to sandalwood items. Beautiful carved work and wonderful finishing makesd this craft worldwide popular. Gods,Ambabadi,Elephant,Chess … Read more

Classical languages in India

Classical languages in India Introduction India is a country with a rich and diverse history, and its languages reflect that. There are over 120 languages spoken in India, and many of them are considered to be classical languages. Classical languages are those that have a long history and a significant body of literature. They are … Read more

Abhidamma Pitaka

Exploring the Abhidamma Pitaka: A Comprehensive Guide The Abhidamma Pitaka is one of the three \”baskets\” or collections of scriptures that form the Pali Canon, the authoritative collection of Theravada Buddhist scriptures. It is considered the most profound and philosophically sophisticated part of the canon, focusing on the systematic analysis and elaboration of Buddhist doctrine. … Read more

Ancient Languages: Sanskrit, Prakrit, Pali

Languages have played a crucial role in shaping civilizations, preserving cultural heritage, and facilitating communication throughout history. In ancient India, SanskritSanskrit, PrakritPrakrit, and Pali emerged as prominent languages, each with its unique characteristics and contributions to literature, philosophy, and religion. Let’s explore these ancient languages in detail: Sanskrit Prakrit Pali 1. Sanskrit Sanskrit, meaning “perfected” … Read more

Origins of the Indian Notational System

Origins of the Indian Notational System 1. Early Developments The Indian notational system traces its origins to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, where early symbols resembling numerals have been found on archaeological artifacts. The system further evolved during the Vedic period, where numerical concepts were developed and used in religious rituals and mathematical calculations. 2. … Read more

Literary Sources of Ancient India

h2 class=query-text ng-star-inserted dir=ltr>Exploring Literary Treasures : Literary Sources of Ancient India Literature has always played a crucial role in shaping the cultural, religious, and philosophical landscape of societies around the world. In ancient India, a rich tapestry of literary works emerged, offering insights into the beliefs, values, and traditions of the people. From religious … Read more