Depletion Of Natural Resources

 Depletion of Natural Resources– Metals, Minerals — Conservation Policy All the materials and energy essential for the survival and welfare of living beings including humans-are provided by nature. They are called Natural Resources. A thing becomes resource only when it is used by humans to perform a function. Man lives in nature and … Read more


 Biodiversity-Defination, types, importance, hotspots, threats and conservation The term biodiversity was coined as a contraction of biological diversity by E.O. Wilson in 1985. Biodiversity may be defined as the variety and variability of living organisms and the ecological complexes in which they exist. In other words, biodiversity is the occurrence of different types … Read more

Oceans Tides

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> Oceans  tides An ocean tide refers to the cyclic rise and fall of seawater. Tides are caused by slight variations in gravitational attraction between the Earth and the moon and the Sun in geometric relationship with locations on the Earth's surface. Tides are periodic primarily because … Read more

Coral Reef and Coral Bleaching

  Coral is actually a living animal. has a symbiotic relationship (each gives something to the other and gets something back in return) With ‘zooxanthellae’ microscopic algae which live on coral [i.e. instead of living on the sea  floor, the algae lives up on the coral which is closer to the ocean surface and so … Read more

Movement of Ocean Water

The movement of ocean water is a complex process that is driven by a variety of factors, including the Earth’s rotation, the sun’s energy, and the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. The movement of ocean water can be divided into two main categories: waves and currents. Waves are caused by the wind … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics in oceanography: Physical oceanography Chemical oceanography Biological oceanography Geological oceanography Marine geology Marine geophysics Marine biology Marine ecology Marine chemistry Marine physics Marine meteorology Ocean climate Ocean currents Ocean waves Tides Salinity Temperature Density Turbidity Transparency Color Sound speed Light penetration Phytoplankton ZooplanktonZooplankton Fish Marine mammals Seabirds Coral reefs … Read more