Main Features of budgets of Jammu & Kashmir

Main Features of Budget   This budget moves from the conventional Public Administrative BUDGETING to a cutting edge Public Management Approach. The structure of the budget has been given a developmental rather than a purely administrative orientation. The new approach“Budget Estimation, Allocation and Monitoring System” (BEAMS), online computerized system to distribute the budget and to … Read more

Animal Husbandry of Jammu and Kashmir

Animal Husbandry of Jammu and Kashmir Livestock is one of the widely expanding sectors and over the years the sector has established its importance in development of rural economy. The sector not only supplements income of the farmers but also provides gainful EMPLOYMENT on one hand and supplements the vital and varied nutritional requirements of … Read more

Fairs and Festivals of Sikkim

Fairs and Festivals of Sikkim People and Culture of Sikkim The People of Sikkim consist of three ethnic groups, that is, Lepcha, Bhutia and Nepali. Communities of different hues intermingle freely in Sikkim to constitute a homogenous blend. Hindu Temples coexist with Buddhist Monasteries, Churches, Mosque and Gurudwara. The predominant Communities are Lepchas, Bhutias and … Read more

Main Features of Budget of Sikkim

Main Features of Budget of Sikkim Main theme of the Budget 2017-18 – Sustainable Development Total Receipts and Total Expenditure For the fiscal year 2017-18, a gross expenditure of Rs. 6364.02 crores has been projected in the budget. After taking into account recoveries amounting to Rs. 142.20 crores, the net expenditure comes to Rs. 6221.82 … Read more


MAIN FEATURES OF BUDGETS OF NAGALAND Nagaland is one among the north-eastern states in India. It’s deckled on its west and north by Assam, on its east by Myanmar (formerly called Burma), on its north by Arunachal Pradesh, and on its south by Manipur. Nagaland is one among India’s smallest states, with a complete area … Read more

Main Features of Budget of Odisha

Main Features of Budget of Odisha Budget Highlights The Gross State Domestic Product of Odisha for 2017-18 at current prices is estimated to be Rs 4,12,481 crore. This is 8.8% higher than the revised estimate for 2016-17. Total expenditure for 2017-18 is estimated to be Rs 1,06,911 crore, a 14.3% increase over the revised estimate … Read more

Fairs and Festivals of Goa

Fairs and Festivals of Goa Goa Carnival The most amazing thing about Goa is that fun & festivities which begins in December with the holiday season does not stop upon arrival of the New Year but continues up to the celebration of Goa Carnival or the pre Mardi Gras revelry, a tradition that dates back … Read more

Main Features of budgets of Assam

Main Features of budgets of Assam :- Assam finance minister, Himanta Biswa Sarma on 7 Feb 2017 presented the Budget for 2017-18. Salient Highlights of Assam budget:- Big Biodiversity a scientific directory of indigenous fish species along with a data base of genebank of entire Assam is being planned. It is proposed to initiate a … Read more

Main Features of budgets of Haryana

Main Features of budgets of Haryana   New Elements in budget: Present the Budget in terms of revenue and capital Classification Classify the allocation of Resources into rural and urban categories, wherever feasible, to have clearer view about the fund flow to priority areas Dispense with the Plan and Non-Plan classification of expenditure New Initiatives … Read more