Role of external state and Non-state actor’s in creating challenges to internal security

  State actors are nations/countries which are also known as “states”. They have Sovereignty over their own territory and that sovereignty is recognized on the international stage by international organizations such as the United Nations. Non-state actors are organized groups that do not hold any officially recognized territory, though they may control some territory through … Read more

Development of Mining Sector of Madhya Pradesh

Mineral wealth of MP, and ranking in mineral:- Madhya Pradesh is richly endowed with rich mineral reserves. In Mineral Production , the state ranks fourth after Jharkand, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. Madhya Pradesh is the only state of the country producing diamond in the country. Madhya Pradesh stands first in production of Copper Ore and Pyrophyllite. … Read more

Polity Booster- Linkages of organized crime with terrorism

Linkages of organized crime with terrorism As organized crime and terrorist groups have globalized and diversified their operations in the past decade, they have based their activities in countries offering conditions most favorable to survival and expansion. Mobility, an important new characteristic of most such groups, has given groups a wider selection of operational bases … Read more


 BEHAVIOR- PERSONALITY THEORIES       What is Personality :-   It is a stable set of internal characteristics and tendencies that determines the psychological behavior of people. It is particular pattern of behaviour and thinking that prevail across time and contexts and differentiates one person from other.   In simple  terms “Personality … Read more

Money Laundering And Black Money

Money Laundering And Black Money Money Laundering Money laundering is the process of making large amounts of money generated by a criminal activity, such as drug trafficking or terrorist funding, appear to have come from a legitimate source. The money from the criminal activity is considered dirty, and the process “launders” it to make it … Read more

Issues related to National Integrity and Security

Table of contents:- Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States, Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Threats Internal and External Threats; Threats of Conflicts, Naxal Problems, Terrorism, Trans-border Infiltration and Insurgency Issues, Communalism, Organised crimes, Cyber issues, Drug trafficking and other such issues. [su_heading size=”21″]Potential areas of socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States,[/su_heading] … Read more

Issues related to National Integrity and Security :

Table of contents:- Potential Areas Of Socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States, Traditional, Contemporary and Emerging Threats Internal and External Threats; Threats of Conflicts, Naxal Problems, Terrorism, Trans-border Infiltration and Insurgency Issues, Communalism, Organised crimes, Cyber issues, Drug trafficking and other such issues. [su_heading size=”21″]Potential areas of socio-political conflicts between and within Indian States,[/su_heading] … Read more