Law And Rule

 Law and Rule related Administration   Administrative Law Administrative law is the body of law created by the agencies and departments of the government, which carry out the laws passed by Center or a State Legislature. When Center passes a law on a complicated issue, Center  often needs help determining all … Read more

Centre-State Relationship:Administrative, Legislative and Financial

The Indian constitution provides for a federal framework with powers (legislative ,executive and financial) divided between the center and the states. However, there is no division of judicial power as the constitution has established an Integrated Judicial System to enforce both the central laws as well as state law. The Indian federation is not the … Read more

Important Acts

The Govt. of India Act Gave assurance that there would be no more territorial possessions. Titles were 1858 bestowed  on  many  princes  &  the  right  of  adoption  was  accepted.  No         interference in religious matters. The Indian Council Provided  that  there  was  no  difference  between  the  central  &  provincial Act 1861 subjects. … Read more

Ordinance Making Power Of President

The Ordinance Making Power of the President: A Balancing Act Between Executive Authority and Legislative Supremacy The President of India, as the head of state, holds a unique position in the Indian political system. While primarily a ceremonial figure, the President also possesses certain executive powers, including the power to promulgate ordinances. This power, enshrined … Read more