Awards of Haryana

Awards of Haryana Chaudhary Devi Lal Award The sponsor of the award is ICAR( Indian council of agriculture research). The Objective of the Award is To recognize outstanding performance of the AICRP (All India Coordinated Research Project) and its cooperating centres To provide incentive for outstanding performance in terms of linkages and research output and … Read more

Law and order and civil defence in uttar Pradesh

Law and order and civil defence in uttar Pradesh In politics, law and order (also known as tough on crime and the War on Crime ) refers to demands for a strict criminal Justice system, especially in relation to violent and property crime, through stricter criminal penalties. These penalties may include longer terms of imprisonment, … Read more

Governance in Himachal Pradesh

Governance in Himachal Pradesh The Governor The Governor is the head of the state administration. All the executive powers of the state are vested in him. But he does not exercise these powers on his own. These powers are exercised by him on the advice of the Council of Ministers. He is a constitutional head … Read more

The Rate of a Chemical Reaction

The Rate of a Chemical Reaction The rate of a chemical reaction can be defined as the amount of the reaction which occurs in unit time. The rate of a reaction is measured by choosing certain properties of the reaction which will indicate how far the reaction has gone, and whose magnitude can be observed … Read more

The Rate of a Chemical Reaction-CGPSC Mains

The Rate of a Chemical Reaction The rate of a chemical reaction can be defined as the amount of the reaction which occurs in unit time. The rate of a reaction is measured by choosing certain properties of the reaction which will indicate how far the reaction has gone, and whose magnitude can be observed … Read more

Maintenance of Law and Order

Law and order administration is one of the most important function performed by the Government. In fact,the survival of administration depends upon maintenance of law and order in a country. The functioning of law and order administration comes under the state list with the Union/Central government having advisory and coordinating role(discussed in last post on … Read more

Chemical kinetics

Chemical kinetics Chemical kinetics is that branch of chemistry which deals with the study of the speeds or the rates of chemical reactions, the factors affecting the rates of the reactions and the mechanism by which the reactions proceed. It concerns itself with the measurement of rates of reactions proceeding under the given conditions of … Read more

Theory of Pre established harmony

Leibniz’s theory is best known as a solution to the mind–body problem of how mind can interact with the body. Leibniz rejected the idea of physical bodies affecting each other, and explained all physical causation in this way. Under pre-established harmony, the preprogramming of each mind must be extremely complex, since only it causes its own thoughts … Read more

Concepts Of Crime

 Concepts of Crime The concept of crime is essentially concerned with the conduct of individuals in Society. It is as eternal as society and everywhere some human beinghave fallen outside the pattern of permitted crime. It is best to accept the fact thatcrime cannot be abolished except in non-existent utopia. Weakness, anger, greed, … Read more