Unity and universality of religions

Diversity in religious practice is evident in the global community. Various sects, schools, denominations, and factions of religions can be found throughout the world, and being in close proximity to one another necessitates some form of dialogue between separate traditions. Expressions of religious feelings in practical life are not the monolithic. In our daily life … Read more

Religious Movements: Sufism

‘Sufism’ is a term used to refer to mystical religious ideas in Islam. It had evolved into a well developed movement by the 11 century. Sufis, Stress on the importance of traversing the path of the Sufi pir enabling one to establish a direct communion with the divine. Sufism or mysticism emerged in the 8 … Read more

Sufism and Bhakti movements

The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based … Read more

Naqshbandi Silsilah

The Naqshbandi order is one of the most influential Sufi orders in the world. It was founded in the 14th century by Bahauddin Naqshband, a Central Asian mystic. The Naqshbandi order is known for its emphasis on dhikr, or the remembrance of God, and its focus on inner transformation. History Prominent Sheikhs Principal Teachings Practices … Read more