Dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions

Dispute Redressal Mechanisms and Institutions. Emergence and use of Alternative Dispute Redressal Mechanisms. In a Democracy, the citizens make the government and hold it accountable. Government is operated by Bureaucracy for whom the rules and regulations are more important than helping the citizens. Also, it tends to keep things secret and department like electricity and … Read more


Lokayukta investigates cases of Corruption, where substantiated, recommend action. He is a great check on corruption, brings about transparency in the system, makes administrative machinery citizen friendly. His functions largely depend upon jurisdiction vested in him and facilities provided for taking cognizance of citizens’ grievances promptly, dexterously and expeditiously through simple, informal mechanism devoid of … Read more

Lokpal and Lok Ayukta

Lokpal And Redressel Of Citizens Grievances:- Introduction: The central theme of Democracy is that the ruler is accountable to the rules of all sorts of activities and policies. This has arisen due to the fact that the modern states are populous. Because of this and other reasons the Direct Democracy of ancient Greek city-states or … Read more

Politician And Civil Servant Relations

 Politician and Civil Servant Relations It is an era of welfare states. Gone are the days when states were either instruments of tyranny or mere custodians of law and order. Nowadays the states not only protect and restrain but also foster and promote. As such the role of the ministers, who work for … Read more

Lokpal And Redressel Of Citizens Grievances

 Lokpal and Redressel of Citizens grievances:- Introduction: The central theme of Democracy is that the ruler is accountable to the rules of all sorts of activities and policies. This has arisen due to the fact that the modern states are populous. Because of this and other reasons the Direct Democracy of ancient Greek … Read more

Lokpal and Lokayukt

Lokayukta investigates cases of Corruption, where substantiated, recommend action. He is a great check on corruption, brings about transparency in the system, makes administrative machinery citizen friendly. His functions largely depend upon jurisdiction vested in him and facilities provided for taking cognizance of citizens’ grievances promptly, dexterously and expeditiously through simple, informal mechanism devoid of … Read more

Insulating Civil Servants from Undue Political Interference

Insulating Civil Servants from Undue Political Interference: A Vital Pillar of Democratic Governance The concept of a neutral and impartial civil service, insulated from undue political interference, is a cornerstone of democratic governance. It ensures that public administration operates effectively, efficiently, and in the best interests of the people, rather than serving the whims of … Read more

Constitutional Bodies

Guardians of the Constitution: Understanding India’s Constitutional Bodies India’s Constitution, a landmark document that laid the foundation for a vibrant democracy, is not merely a static text. It is a living entity, constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs of the nation. To ensure its effective implementation and safeguard its principles, the Constitution establishes … Read more

Lokpal and Lokayuktas

The Guardians of Integrity: A Deep Dive into Lokpal and Lokayuktas In a democracy, the cornerstone of public trust lies in the integrity and accountability of its leaders. However, the reality often falls short of this ideal, with corruption and abuse of power posing significant threats to the very fabric of society. To combat these … Read more