Foreign Trade Policy

 Planning and Foreign Trade Foreign Trade is the important factor in Economic Development in any nation. Foreign trade in India comprises of all imports and exports to and from India. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry at the level of Central Government has responsibility to manage such operations. The domestic production reveals on … Read more

DPPQ-Early Medieval Age (800-1200 A.D.) – North India-Rajput Age-Chandelas

Question:The Famous temples of Khujrao were buld by >>>Chandela >>>Cheras >>>Pratiharas >>>Holkars Question:Chandelas regard themselves as >>>chandra-vamshi >>>jal-kula >>>surya-vamshi >>>agni-kula Question:Chandelas were a feudal of >>>Pratiharas >>>Tomars >>>Cheras >>>Holkars Question:The founder of the Chandel dynasty was >>>Nannuk >>>Yashovarman >>>Harshdev >>>Jaishakti Question:Which ruler of the Chandel dynasty fought with Prithvi Raj III in the battle of … Read more

DPPQ-Early Medieval Age (800-1200 A.D.) – North India-Rajput Age- An Introduction

Question:In the early medival period the term “rajaputra” appeared as >>>Royal Officials >>>Royal Feudals >>>Sun Cult >>>Kings Question:In Rajput kingdoms it was commonly observed that a loyalty was towards >>>Clan >>>Rajput social grouping >>>Religion >>>None Question:The first major Rajput kingdom was >>>Sisodia >>>Tomaras >>>Chaulukyas >>>Paramaras Question:Rajputs have not stated lineage from which of the following … Read more

Hindustani Music

Hindustani music is a genre of Indian classical music that developed in the northern part of the Indian subcontinent. It is one of the two main traditions of Indian classical music, the other being Carnatic Music. Hindustani music is characterized by its use of ragas, melodic frameworks that are used to improvise and compose music. … Read more


Kathak Kathak is a classical Indian dance form that originated in northern India. It is one of the eight major Indian classical dance forms, and is known for its intricate footwork, complex rhythms, and expressive facial expressions. Kathak is often performed as a storytelling dance, and its repertoire includes a wide range of stories from … Read more

Pre-historic Paintings

Pre-historic Paintings Prehistoric paintings are a form of art that was created by humans before the invention of writing. These paintings can be found on cave walls, rock shelters, and other surfaces. They often depict animals, hunting scenes, and religious ceremonies. Prehistoric paintings are an important source of information about the lives of early humans. … Read more

Nagara Architecture / North Indian Temple Style

Nagara Architecture / North Indian Temple Style Introduction Nagara architecture is a style of Hindu temple architecture that developed in the northern Indian subcontinent between the 7th and 13th centuries. It is characterized by its tall, spire-like towers, which are often crowned with a kalasha, or finial. Nagara temples are typically built of sandstone or … Read more